Any one r4 ICE MAN

Have been able to R4 anyone for a couple weeks but so picky about who I rank up. Want to make the best possible choice for me. Was going to do. Thanos or Onslaught but I run path 9 in War and Ice man has been amazing. Chances are who ever I r4 will just get banned in BGS so almost want to pick someone I know I will use outside of BGS.
Feel like youtubers were kinda talking down ICE MAN when first announced as a 7 star but I am just consistently impressed and has become one of my new favorites
Feel like youtubers were kinda talking down ICE MAN when first announced as a 7 star but I am just consistently impressed and has become one of my new favorites
My 6-star is now fully ranked 👍🏻
Best for:
1. Immunity to poison, fire, ice & bleeds.
2. Anti-evade
3. Ice-shield! mess up and hit Ultron while he’s got power-gain active? Say no more fam! Your only loosing 5% of your health 😎
That shield breaks at any point, all that ice you stacked up with special 1’s will do a ton damage!
You upgrade the champ you like. And no ones gonna ban iceman in war so that's W for you.
I wouldn't listen to most youtubers. Most are whales and have access to every single new champ.
Anddd Iceman literally just got banned lol
He's ripping through Enchantress fights in Alliance War in under 30 seconds.
Thanks for this reply. Feel like I’m going crazy when there is no hype around this guy. Took him to sig 200 and has quickly become one of my favorites in the game