Maybe weird take, but I kind of miss fighting Ares...

Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 750 ★★★
In hindsight, that might be my favorite to second favorite boss (in front or behind Grandmaster in Necropolis) in the game. I know its not possible, but it would be so cool to be able to just fight a boss directly if you've 100%'d an area. Maybe (I think I've mentioned this before) Kabam could introduce skip tickets to help bypass fights you've already done?


  • FrostDzNzFrostDzNz Member Posts: 39
    Yeah, like a gated path with a tp directly to the boss that you can only gain access to by exploring the quest.
  • Friendly001Friendly001 Member Posts: 998 ★★★★
    Boss Gauntlet when??
  • ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,307 ★★★★★
    I'd love being able to take on random regular and boss fights I've already done (in 100% explored content) without having to slog through the whole path. That would be an awesome feature
  • Soumemiakas1926Soumemiakas1926 Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    I liked Ares fight too.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 12,083 ★★★★★
    He is definitely fun once you fight him few times and master his moves. But kabam plan to milk more with ares, so they won't let us to fight him freely. Also they won't let us fight any boss "infinite times" With low energy cost cuz that gives more opportunities for selling merc services and acc sharing.
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,455 ★★★★★
    I've never fought a boss that I've so quickly started to figure out after the first time. Even when I dropped revives on him it still felt satisfying because I genuinely felt like I was learning the fight
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,670 ★★★★★
    Maybe they’ll bring back the old boss rush format at some point.
  • Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 750 ★★★
    @captain_rogers Could go the other way too. If we had skip tickets, that could both be a new venue for monetization as well as promoting players to get better instead of using mercs.
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