Prowler, easy solo. Can do Spam, Gwen and Nightcrawler. Mediums can't be evaded and his SP1 buff means nothing can be evaded.
Thanks, went with Prowler. r2'd him and the fight helped me finally learn how to use him. I screwed up a few times so it wasn't anywhere near a 1-shot, but I took about 90% of his health in 2 of my attempts. That fight was long and boring AF.
That's the funnest fight in the Ordeal imo. I used Titania, who isn't really an ideal counter but it was insanely fun. You just intercept again and again and ensure you save a haymaker for if you push him to sp3. Like half the fight was dexing that heavy attack mallet against the wall.
Probably Falcon is your best bet.