LOOKING FOR EXTREMLY ACTIVE, LINE, AQ FOCUSED ALLIANCE. I will be in every AQ, AW. I just started this account less than 3 months ago and am growing very fast. I have 5 5*s and like 28 4*s (10 God tier). I'm very skilled and can contribute in AQ. I just can't do much in war, but once I can rank up some of my champs i can help more for AW. ( aq rewards are way better anyway)
If so, check out my alliance
Id is hardclaw82
We are in tier 3-6 in War
Map 4 AQ all 5 days
Alliance name TOGZ (thunder of God Zeus)
Add me in game to get more info, I will share my line ID
I'm currently level 40. Rating is almost 44k(I know it's low but I'm working on it).
I'm looking to progress big time because I joined some random alliance that doesn't do anything.
Their own leader left the alliance
Currently I've got following top 5 champs:
P.S. None of them are duped.
4* Blade R3 & Level 30
4* Ultron R3 & Level 24
4* Ghost Rider R3 & Level 10
4* Hyperion R3 & Level 7
5* Hyperion R1 & Level 11
I'm looking to do AW&AQ, and I'm not sure what map I can do with these.
I'm active in the game and willing to use LINE app.
I'm also looking for long-term alliance, which means I don't hop from one to another, no point in that.
If you want someone like this, let me know here or add me on LINE app.
Username: iCyanideKillPill. IG is the same but without one L, couldn't fit that one L lol.