After luke cage and red hulk, why not work on falcon.

Falcon is lame ass character, believe it or not even before buffing i had little love for luke cage because how fast his animation were i also love my duped spidergwen .
But falcon is the shittiest character in my roaster, once i sold him as 4* to get remaining shards for 5* cryatal
And this week i duped his **** ass as 5*. Makes me wanna throw my phone. After all this grinding i though may br out of those 80 5* champs maybe ill get somebody worthy of rNk3/4 but nooooo. Fix that guy ,you know how worthless he is kabam.
But falcon is the shittiest character in my roaster, once i sold him as 4* to get remaining shards for 5* cryatal
And this week i duped his **** ass as 5*. Makes me wanna throw my phone. After all this grinding i though may br out of those 80 5* champs maybe ill get somebody worthy of rNk3/4 but nooooo. Fix that guy ,you know how worthless he is kabam.
What do you find wrong with him now?
Right now i was just fighting him against WS in rol and he had 100% reduction on him , i deliberately took his spcl1 and he still placed incinarate and 2 stacks of bleed on falcon
You see 100% reduction is joke.
I have used him. And I do think he’s lackluster. I was trying to get the OPs insight and suggestions.
Its defensive ability reduction not offensive. Thats why you took bleed and incinerate damage. I'm no fan of Falcon but learn him first. He can stop Spider-Man from there's that.
Ok i agree my bad, but the faxt still remains thats hes lame as hell. Need to block so long to use that ability and it goes away by the time opponent stops blocking and charges at you . What the point?
All in all he should be nxt to be updated after LC and RH
Colossus... nuff said
Who do you think of as a villain when relating to spiderman? Venom, that's right venom he needs a buff not falcon.
Colossus I mean look at his sister she is a true champion he needs a buff too.
Carnage is one lots of people have asked for.
The iron man suits this one is really annoying he creats a suit for spidey making him pretty much the best champ ever whereas he can't make his own suit amazing.
His stacking cruelty is oft-forgotten, but has some value. I've fought him with OG Daredevil in arena; and dodging Falcon's SP1 gives him four stacks of cruelty, if you then let him connect with it.
My thoughts for improvements would be that mainly if his lock-on was longer, and if he was less fragile it would help. Why does he have lower armour than Black Widow?
1 - He could do with more bleed stacks from his SP1, like War Machine.
2 - His lock-on could reduce opponent's Power gain when struck?
3 - Dashing back could involve a wing buffet that knocked opponents back, preventing then catching him?