Who is a good counter for Killmonger?

So i'll soon be fighting Killmonger in Master Mode and I want to know if there is a good counter for him. Anybody have any suggestions?


  • JC_JC_ Member Posts: 517 ★★★
    AA is the answer to almost every problem. :-)
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Anyone really, he isn't that difficult you don't need a specific counter but armor break champions can help
  • AfridAfrid Member Posts: 529 ★★
    I used magik for the uncollected killmonger.
  • hydrogohardhydrogohard Member Posts: 225 ★★
    I used Iceman & Medusa for the master mode one
  • 航空民工航空民工 Member Posts: 38
    I used AA, so easy
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Magik crushed the uncollected version.
  • JOHNOSA1995JOHNOSA1995 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    I used hyprion for uncollected worked
  • MrblackkkMrblackkk Member Posts: 53
    Anyone is a counter, Killmonger is a joke lmao. Kabam hit control+c when making Killmonger.
  • Cryptic_CobraCryptic_Cobra Member Posts: 532 ★★★
    He is definitely not a defender that's for sure. The only thing you have to worry about is his pseudo recoil effect that goes away after a few seconds, and even then its not a death sentence to ignore it and keep hitting him. Literally any champ will do, more damage the better I guess, because utility is not necessary.
  • 2StarKing2StarKing Member Posts: 855 ★★★
    You are the best champ to use against him. Learn is buff status, then he become easy fignt.
  • gahrlinggahrling Member Posts: 200
    He is definitely not a defender that's for sure.

    The immune mini-boss node disagrees.

    Good luck..
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Your Wallet
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    If you are worried about the reverberation use armor break champs. An armor break will remove it. Medusa or iron fist will work well.
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    I used starlord to get his health down fast but if I somehow lost I then used gwenpool because her bleed gives him power gain which is exactly what I wanted so I could keep baiting sp2s instead of sp1s and then I would use her 3rd for the armour break but if I somehow lost with her I used hulk and hit him on purpose to take that armour damage back at my own health allowing me to take advantage of hulks strengh increasing. You just want someone who can dish out loads of damage really.
  • DizastarDizastar Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2018
    I used 5/50 Blade. Get to your L1, throw it, tap a few more hits if you need to in order to get him to his L2, then back up and evade his attack. Rinse, repeat. Though, I have only got him down to 2%. Never got the 1 shot.
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