Log in Button

@Kabam Miike
The "log in" button in the game is not working after the update.
This is troublesome for the ones that own multiple accounts.
I can't get on my other account and missing out on rewards
and i'm pretty sure a lot of my items, ISO and catalysts are expiring.
Please fix that as soon as possible.

Thank you


  • tomtay77tomtay77 Member Posts: 4
    me too
  • Team_EarthTeam_Earth Member Posts: 3
    This is still not fixed.
    We better get compensation for loosing of rewards & expired inventory.
  • Team_EarthTeam_Earth Member Posts: 3
    Or I’ll take this up with iTunes.
  • McchitlenMcchitlen Member Posts: 3
    Having the same issue andThis is total trash. Kabam needs to stop pushing new content until they fix their broken game. Same bugs have been around for ever now so I'm starting to think they are by design since they usually benefit kabam
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