Attempting to click HELP

StardusrStardusr Member Posts: 11
Hi Guys

I have written an email to KABAM but decided to write another pm here.

Since long time each fight finished using my 5* CHAMP showing no help option compare to other 4/3* where all my help are ease to click.
To make it easier to understand
Need to wait full recovery time instead bit shorter due to help option.

Can someone please help me with this issue


  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    I've seen this too.
    If you go out of the arena then back in the help button is there and you can request help.
    It's annoying
  • StardusrStardusr Member Posts: 11
    It appeared after over an hour as I have recorded on screen shots
    It's more than annoying due when you are trying to get a high scores
  • StardusrStardusr Member Posts: 11
    Still same again. Can someone please help with this matter
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