***7.8 mil Alliance needing to replace 2 retirees***
Growing alliance currently running 5,5,5,2,2 in AQ and war at the end of AQ. We do have minimun in alliance events to acquire maximun rewards. Older crowd so we're understanding of family and work first but do expect 100% effort and completion in AQ and War mainly accomplished through good communication in the Line app. 200+ player rating preffered and map 5 experience, however, not mandatory but having fun is.
If this you or are interested, leave your Line ID or breif description or questions in a thread. My screen name on here is the same as in game if you want to look at the alliance.
If this you or are interested, leave your Line ID or breif description or questions in a thread. My screen name on here is the same as in game if you want to look at the alliance.
My team rating is 95k but I am soon to get another 5 star. Is line app necessary? I dont have it and am not familiar with it. I would like to join because I am active and try my hardest. My ingame name is CreepyPootin if you want to check my account. Thx! and hope I can join!