Depends on what you need MORE than what we would advise.
If you need more DPS with some utility, then Starky does it better than Pool however Pool is much better with being able to not die from something like a SP3 and she can better lower ability acc than him. He can evade specials tho which may help. It's what YOU need more than what we want to answer. You can't go wrong with either to be fair (assuming both are awakened btw)
Gwenpool Will be best If she's Duped, Coz her Signature Ability is that if the Opponent Tries Special 1,2 or 3... When GP (Duped) is at 1% she won't get KO... In short Duped GP can't be Killed With the Special attacks, or the buffs created from Spcl..
Is she's Not Duped then Go for Spidey SE ✌️
If you need more DPS with some utility, then Starky does it better than Pool however Pool is much better with being able to not die from something like a SP3 and she can better lower ability acc than him. He can evade specials tho which may help. It's what YOU need more than what we want to answer. You can't go wrong with either to be fair (assuming both are awakened btw)
Is she's Not Duped then Go for Spidey SE ✌️