Ghost Rider Judgements, Working as intended or broken?

Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 824 ★★★
edited February 2018 in General Discussion
My only problem is with how damnation works. If you are fighting against someone who is debuff immune you can only activate each judgement once since you need damnation to run its entirety to reset judgements or even against someone with a shrug ability like Agent Venom/Kingpin. If they happen to knock off the debuff early your judgements aren't reset and then your locked out of all of his abilities.

Ghost Rider Judgements, Working as intended or broken? 38 votes

Working as intended
Elijah1929Spity68NastyEfnNateAxeCopFireHazerfaceAwesomeKyloRenSungjnameplasDarkrider05RCunhaLt_Magnum_1Nemesis666_ASDF_Anonymous2354L1d3rAElitehuntershadow_lurker22gauravshahu 18 votes
Make damnation a passive (like frostbite)
GrubRektorBigPoppaCBONEGbSarkarxVxNotoRiouSxVxEscoutsRocerSpeedbumpRavenrob_33RapidlySpiritOfVengeanceDeadly2016vinniegainzH_B0MBchev327foxRepto23Gioz17NamelezMaldroit1AIex1 20 votes


  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 824 ★★★
    Make damnation a passive (like frostbite)
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Sophia @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Loto @Kabam Zibiit
    You guys are probably busy and won't have time but I'd love to hear your opinions
  • WyldfireWyldfire Member Posts: 3
    I don't think either of the options you present is quite right. Seems totally fair and correct to me that Kingpin, AV, and anyone else with a similar capability should be able to rid themselves of Damnation and its effects. But I also think that Ghost Rider's judgements should reset when damnation is removed *for any reason*. Alternately, the timer which resets them should be separate from the Damnation debuff, so that it takes just as long to reset but the effect can still be negated.
  • vinniegainzvinniegainz Member Posts: 902 ★★★
    edited February 2018
    Make damnation a passive (like frostbite)
    Umm with the debuff shruggers you do get resets as far as I can remember because it has a chance to go on (for that split second) then gets removed because Ive even exploited it sometimes to get a free judgment reset.

    Things like debuff immune on the other hand is just b.s. because you cannot reset the judgements.

    I think it should be fixed for debuff immune because it is a clear flaw in the game mechanics, where damnation needs to be placed on then off for judgment reset to occur. It reminds me of the whole sparky taunt on debuff immune where after a 5 hit combo every hit after removes poise charges (and i think they acknowledged and addressed this issue).
  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 824 ★★★
    Make damnation a passive (like frostbite)
    @Wyldfire I thought about that as well but the timer would be altered based on when you activated it in your judgement rotation. So if they could figure that in your suggestion would be ideal but figured mine was a quicker solution
  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 824 ★★★
    Make damnation a passive (like frostbite)
    @vinniegainz If it's shrugged off it doesn't reset and you can't reapply
  • vinniegainzvinniegainz Member Posts: 902 ★★★
    Make damnation a passive (like frostbite)
    Weird I couldve swore it doesnt because I even just 100%d 5.2 and I would purposely trigger machocasm via damnation so it comes right off and i get my judgements back.
  • vinniegainzvinniegainz Member Posts: 902 ★★★
    Make damnation a passive (like frostbite)
    Contest is down for me right now but im going to test it when I get back in
  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 824 ★★★
    Make damnation a passive (like frostbite)
    People like rogue or groot where it just lasts for less time it resets but if it's AV or KP it doesn't count
  • Darkrider05Darkrider05 Member Posts: 288 ★★★
    Working as intended
    It doesn't reset on debuff immune nodes but it does reset against champs like kingpin and agent venom.Its totally logical that it doesn't reset on debuff immune node coz it needs to be on the enemy for atleast a split second which it won't be on debuff immune node whereas against champs like kingpin and agent venom it will be there for a split second so it resets against them
  • vinniegainzvinniegainz Member Posts: 902 ★★★
    Make damnation a passive (like frostbite)
    Ya I was right i can confirm judgements reset on AV when he shrugs it at least. Your GR must be bugged.
  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 824 ★★★
    Make damnation a passive (like frostbite)
    Thanks! Solves one portion of the dilemma
  • NastyEfnNateNastyEfnNate Member Posts: 551 ★★
    Working as intended
    If they make it passive then debuff immune will now have damnation. There’s bigger problems with debuff immune than this. For example DV. With his L2 he gets a buff that power burns. He can’t power burn them. Vision can’t power burn. These aren’t debuffs and they don’t work
  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 824 ★★★
    Make damnation a passive (like frostbite)
    @NastyEfnNate I get power burn to work with vision (AoU) but it wouldn't work with my hawkeyes L1
  • NastyEfnNateNastyEfnNate Member Posts: 551 ★★
    Working as intended
    @Repto23 have u ever tried this on the immune path on map 5? It’s been a while since I’ve went that route but 2 months ago DV would not power burn. Kept saying immune
  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Make damnation a passive (like frostbite)
    Vision.can power burn but DV can't. Dorm can power drain but HE can't. No idea why
  • chev327foxchev327fox Member Posts: 826 ★★
    edited February 2018
    Make damnation a passive (like frostbite)
    Its funny I JUST had this happen last night in AQ3 against a Red/Skill Symbiod. Saw the Damnation run out (or get shrugged in this case it seems) and the Judgements did not reset. This was the first time this has happened to me so I too wondered if it was correct... but it could very well be (just means he is not good against those types of champs)... though I would prefer if it was shrugged it would reset the Judgements still.
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    Make damnation a passive (like frostbite)
    Great idea! They should have it immediately shrugged off or change it so that we can actually reset the judgements.
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