Inhuman Royal Family synergies

I got 5* Medusa a couple days ago and awakened her/took her to r4. I'm looking for opinions on whether or not the Inhuman Royal Family synergies are worth Black Bolt and Karnak taking up two slots on my team for general questing or if I'm better off bringing two more useful champs. I have four paths left to do of 5.2.6 and all of 5.4 minus one path of 5.4.1.
For 100%ing 5.2.6 I pretty much only used medusa for the SW fights and the extra slot means an extra champ to have a go at collector such as AA/hulk/hype/spark (though by the last path I was almost soloing collector with r4 spark).
Medusa was ok for collector because I find it easy to intercept with her but I took a 5/50 duped hype over her by the end because hype's burst damage + the fact you can get off deadly sp2s and you can easily bait collector's heavy and then counter with a heavy.
The cosmic chapter of 5.3 might be the only place where you bring in karnak + BB and just smash the lanes with medusa.
5.4 I am finding I am bringing in champs with specific utility (i.e. nullifiers such as SW for rage paths) so I would not waste two slots with the inhuman synergies.