Alliance looking for up to 2 players

7m alliance, friendly, casual, AW and AQ participation required. Donations flexible. We have a few "retired" players who enjoy it here...line is required. We are finishing up a war now and will be looking to bring someone on board tomorrow night.

AW gold tier, AQ map event minimums...

Let me know if interested


  • DickonDickon Posts: 11
    Hey, im interested, 145k player looking for cat 4 to grow fast. I have like 1000000 iso which i cant use because my current alliance only doing map 2, so no class cat 4. I have a friend on his second account. he is a great player, around 100k but also growing super fast since its his second account so he's been through the grind before. Thanks!
  • What is your in game name?
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