Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

5 x 5 AQ, Top 1,000 AQ rewards, Gold 1, Tier 4

Please be from the USA and prestige of around 5,000 or more. Looking for someone to join after AQ rank rewards are in.

11 million alliance
AW Tier 4 (pushing for 3), war rating 1,953. Gold 1 rank 423 (we will push for platinum 1 if we are close enough towards the end of the season)
100 million plus points in AQ every week.
134k Gold, 29k BC, 13k Loyalty

I am the leader of this alliance, we are currently running 5x5, ranking in the top 1,000 We are looking for one member to replace a retiring member.

LINE is a must. Mostly all of us have full time jobs and kids or are in school full time so no arena minimums and definitely no childish drama here. We are a very chill group of guys who have been together for a long time.

Contact me on LINE at sportsfan365. My in game name is the same if you want to check us out.


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