Lag (possibly on OnePlus 5T?)

So, I bought OnePlus 5T recently and game is running fast, but the combat is a bit laggy, fps are going down I suppose.
And there was a time today past 6 pm EST the game was running.. PERFECTLY (first time!). The combat was smooth and beautiful to look on. So I know this phone can handle it (come on, it's a top tier Android device) like this but it changed in like 10 minutes (but yeah, first time seeing the game running perfect.. so something is going on, bought it two days ago). I know there is an issue with helping champions from arena (I can confirm it) but I haven't done it again after experiencing it so there must be something else. Anyone from Kabam can give this a try?
Thanks in advance!
So, I bought OnePlus 5T recently and game is running fast, but the combat is a bit laggy, fps are going down I suppose.
And there was a time today past 6 pm EST the game was running.. PERFECTLY (first time!). The combat was smooth and beautiful to look on. So I know this phone can handle it (come on, it's a top tier Android device) like this but it changed in like 10 minutes (but yeah, first time seeing the game running perfect.. so something is going on, bought it two days ago). I know there is an issue with helping champions from arena (I can confirm it) but I haven't done it again after experiencing it so there must be something else. Anyone from Kabam can give this a try?
Thanks in advance!
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I bought my Oneplus 5T (8Gb / 128gb) yesterday and I have the same problem. I feel that things are very slow, which makes the user experience bad, mainly because I play for more than 3 years. This only happens by playing the MCOC. Could you help us, please?
Before the reset, the only app that I ever had any issues with is MCOC.
Lag, mid combo dash back, dropped frames, specials not firing, dropped blocks, hyper aggressive AI launching heavies in a millisecond.
But before you said you were holding your phone wrong
The lag is in reference to the device and CPU power (iPhone X bought approx 45 days ago and no lag). The other post was about what I was doing that was causing my character to dash back, drop blocks and other mechanics in game (the way I was holding the phone, the skin on my finger was ever so slightly touching the screen edge causing all the issues). I don't want to confuse the 2 issues as they should be seen as separate.
Ok so you saying my iPhone 7 is too old to play this game ?..
and I will continue to have issues because of this unless I buy a brand new phone ?
Don’t you think it’s developers responsibility to make sure the game is compatible with all devices ?
How come the issues suddenly started to creep in and are increasing from the last two months?
Ok so you saying my iPhone 7 is too old to play this game ?..
and I will continue to have issues because of this unless I buy a brand new phone ?
Don’t you think it’s developers responsibility to make sure the game is compatible with all devices ?
How come the issues suddenly started to creep in and are increasing from the last two months?
Have you changed your iPhone 7's battery? They did have all the bad press about how they are slowing down phones as the batteries get older. The other part that could affect you is memory and apps running in the background. I'm not an expert on this, I just know that I haven't had issues since I upgraded my phone. Most content creators use the newest and latest devices (doesn't have to be apple) and they don't complain about the lag. I don't know how they could reduce lag on every type of device. They would have to reduce graphics and frame rate and other stuff smarter people know more about than I do.
Have you changed your iPhone 7's battery? They did have all the bad press about how they are slowing down phones as the batteries get older. The other part that could affect you is memory and apps running in the background. I'm not an expert on this, I just know that I haven't had issues since I upgraded my phone. Most content creators use the newest and latest devices (doesn't have to be apple) and they don't complain about the lag. I don't know how they could reduce lag on every type of device. They would have to reduce graphics and frame rate and other stuff smarter people know more about than I do.[/quote]
Lol so why the game had zero lags before. Doesn’t matter what phone you were using.
What changed suddenly ?
Yea I understand. The point I was making the solution is not only upgrading to the brand new phone.
If you’ve developed a softaware or gameplay as a company you need to make sure it’s compatible.
That’s why we get regular updates for the other apps on our phone.
I honestly had soo much lag while playing uncollected void just now ,where i couldnt even dash back twice to avoid is heavy .. my arch was getting hit by his heavy again and again .of course I had all other continuous issues and parry and stuffs coz of lags
So i have learned 2 things.
one it can be asking for "Help" in arena... so when people give you energy or time off your champs it pings your phone/app each and every time which can cause the app/game to lag.
Another issue is one i found out myself about. Letting your phone go to sleep while the game is running and then re-awakeing it a bit later it can lag for awhile after (like its trying to catch back up).
So for the first one try not to do arena before important fights like AW (or no help requests anyways). And for the sleep issue... f it happens give the app awhile to catch back up with itself or restart it completely.
Hope this helps!
Hi, i have the same problem as you. Everything is fine in the menu but i have a FPS drop when i'm battle, like i was with 15 fps.
I try with android 7.1.1 or 8.0 but it's the same.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf
What can i do for helping you ?
Phone : ONEPLUS A5010
Version OxygenOS : 4.7.5
Android version : 7.1.1
Tell me if it's work or not for you.
I try other big game like revolution (30fps) or dead trigger 2 (60 fps).
Bad optimisation for Oneplus 5T. Maybe it will work fine for the 17.2 or 18.0
But we need some feedback from @Kabam Miike or @Kabam Wolf
If either the phone has RAM issues (which the OnePlus5T definitely doesn't!!), the wifi ping time is slow or the servers are stressed (this is the problem pretty much constantly) the game will misfire, lag, stutter, freeze and be generally painful and abusive to play. Which in my experience of playing for 3 years is maybe 70% of the time.
Region the game is played from seems to make a big difference also, if this is from different servers for different countries or just time of day difference for peak playing time in that country I do not know. I can only assume the ping response time for the server is different in different regions, maybe based on distance from the server.
Personally to overcome this I only play uncollected quest when my game is stable, otherwise I'll get tagged in a boss fight through no fault of my own, it makes progressing through the monthly quests a waiting game, swapping between uncollected and master whenever the server performance drops for a day.
It hard to come to terms with the fact that no matter what we do the game will not play correctly if the servers are under-performing, if you play the game you desperately try anything to make it silky smooth, but I've come to realise through an awful lot of testing there is absolutely nothing we can do at our end with our devices, its all Kabam's server performance, its quite frustrating, we have zero control.
Kabam must be streaming a bucket load of data about each fight and the server response time is inadequate to support this, whatever we do with our devices will make barely much difference. We just need milking so hard kabam can afford a decent contract with a server provider..... oh wait, we are, they are just profiteering , humpf!!
Haha. haha heh....
Didnt you write the same response on a similair post. (cut & paste styles)?
I remember it sounding like you are trying to sell us Iphone-X's. Which is weird since Apple's a huge corporation and doesn't need any peripheral sales help.
Also, are you saying that this game is only designed with one preferrential device platform and model in mind?
That would be a massive commercial software blunder.