anyone here opened the new featured 5 star crystal and if so what did u get??????

as the title says who has opened the new featured crystal. I have a modok and phoenix that I would like to dupe so would like to know if those crystals are worth it?????
Somehow i doubt it, pretty difficult to get a champ not in the pool
blade is not in the crystal
If there are 6 champs in there you would pay 15k for then it is close to the same value as the old featured crystals except when it comes to duping a specific champion which gives a horrible value for 15k.
Nerf blade he’s da knew skarlet watch
When they are designing content around Blade then he is the new scarlet witch. We’re already seing it in EQs and Sabers merc tag. “In 2009, Sabretooth was ranked as IGN's 44th Greatest Comic Book Villain of All Time.“
I’ve been rumbled by the joke police!
a pain in the ass on AW Defense lol
I love modok he great for questing and a pain in AW
Not since they fixed the parry on block that he was causing. He is a easy champ to defeat and anyone who took him to R4 for AWD has been Kabamed
not really it depends on the node you put him on AWD
Somehow i doubt it, pretty difficult to get a champ not in the pool[/quote]
Blade is so OP, he can get into any crystal he wants! [/quote]
So true XD
That's the reason blade hater wants blade nerf. He is so powerful that, he can pop up anywhere.