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I have ran this ridiculously monotonous and horrible quest 6 TIMES NOW and have fought Jugg and Unstoppable Colossus SOOOO MANY TIMES!!! I have not gotten a single full catalyst... NOT ONE!!! This is the worst experience I have ever had with this game. This quest is sooo incredibly boring and terrible. You give me 10% of a cat in shards EVERY F***ING TIME!... AND THEN YOU OFFER TO SELL ME 2 FOR 400 UNITS!?!?... 400 UNITS!!!! I think suffering this quest, that lacks ANY EFFORT OR CREATIVITY from a development and design standpoint, SIX TIMES should earn what I need to rank my champ. This is inexcusable. FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!


  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    And you waited till you needed the catalyst then ran it?
  • RobotLegRobotLeg Member Posts: 25
    Yes. I don't run these for fun. As you can tell in my initial post... I don't find these events to be the most rewarding or entertaining game content. I choose to invest my energy elsewhere.
  • RobotLegRobotLeg Member Posts: 25
    I don't think it is too much to ask to get one cat for completion and one for exploration... Or even just one guaranteed for exploration. That would at least give you a light at the end of the tunnel, if you are only playing for one. Once explored, then you can switch back to this horrible drop rate, I guess. Right now it just feels like I am caught in an endless loop of Unstoppable champs, expending the same energy per tile it costs to run Act 4/5, and getting let down over and over again with a 200 shard reward. And, of course, if I don't get the cats I need now, then I get to wait another week to do it all over again... It is truly torturous.
  • RobotLegRobotLeg Member Posts: 25
    I am now up to 8 runs... Still not a single full cat as reward.
  • RobotLegRobotLeg Member Posts: 25
    9 times... Still no full cat reward.
  • RobotLegRobotLeg Member Posts: 25
    10 times... No full cat reward.
  • GoodfellaBugsyGoodfellaBugsy Member Posts: 43
    100% agree with your post.
  • RobotLegRobotLeg Member Posts: 25
    BOOM!!!! Apparently the 11th time is the charm. Finally got a full catalyst. I'd like to hear something other than "Sorry for your luck" from a mod on this. If you guys don't see something wrong with these odds then there is something wrong with you.

    ... And whomever is "Flag"-ing my comments on my own post... Don't read them. Each one of those comments cost me 10-15 minutes of my life and 45 energy. If they fixed the drop rate, there wouldn't be so many of them.

    FIX IT!!!!!!!!
  • Mr_ChrisMr_Chris Member Posts: 109
    For all the energy refills you used you might have been able to just buy the deal for 400 units and got 2
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Ran the mystic t3cc about 10 times. Got 4 catalysts out of it, 3 found and 1 formed, together with 3 mystic cores. I think the drop rate is fine.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,885 ★★★★★
    I've got like 500 t3 shard crystals and then hundreds of full t3 class cats.

    They are so easy to gain and horde with solo events .

    If anything the t2 ones are harder to obtain
  • RobotLegRobotLeg Member Posts: 25
    xNig, congratulations. Apparently you have much better luck than I. I would certainly not be writing here if I had the same experience. I guess my point is that UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should someone have to run that quest 20+ times for 3 cats. There should be benchmarks to be met. Like completion, exploration, or 10 runs,... anything to give you a light at the end of the tunnel. If the odds are random every time, just work in some guarantees for those with bad luck. That experience yesterday was a low point in this game for me.
  • RobotLegRobotLeg Member Posts: 25
    Dark, I know that there is a point in the game when you have a bunch of them rotting in your stash. But before you get to that point, you have to earn them. So the drop rate only hurts weaker summoners trying to get stronger. So, a message to Kabam... quit beating up on the little guy.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    So what you're suggesting is to have better drop rates for weaker summoners?

    Define "weaker".
  • RobotLegRobotLeg Member Posts: 25
    I don't think that the drop rates need to change based on strength. The drop rate doesn't matter after a certain point (with a certain strength of alliance) because T3 cats start falling from the sky eventually and end up something you sell so they don't expire in your stash. Due to this fact, the only people suffering from the current drop rate are those that need to fight for them, typically weaker summoners (I guess under 50k? Under 6 months playing the game? Not sure there is a specific moment that it happens. But it happens.).
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    I agree with your statement that the drop rates should change, and one for exploration would be a great idea. I personally don't run these quests all that often, but when I do, it's pretty annoying to do a run on the hardest path and just get fragments. I do somehow have crazy luck in getting a full catalyst out of a chest, often times on my first or second run.
  • AKillerPro12AKillerPro12 Member Posts: 15
    I Agree With You, But Just Do It, Contest Of Champions Shouldn't Be Easy But Not Rediculusly Difficult But Just Do It.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,885 ★★★★★
    I've got like 500 t3 shard crystals and then hundreds of full t3 class cats.

    They are so easy to gain and horde with solo events .

    If anything the t2 ones are harder to obtain
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