Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


I think it would benefit the popularity of the game, and overall enjoyment levels, if kabam removed energy use on paths that you have already explored. It would also make act 4 a lot more enjoyable. Its just stupid how many units you have to use in order to complete a monthly event quest, or explore act 4. Essentially, you are spending 213 energy refills to explore act 4. 213 x 30= 6,390 units. Thats a bit much dont you think? Kabam please pay attention to this.


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    RajutedaRajuteda Posts: 565 ★★
    Working as intended mate..they made this scam to earn money., not for your enjoyment
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    RajutedaRajuteda Posts: 565 ★★
    People spent soo much money building perfect block teams and in 1 update..perfect block was gone

    Same with doc strange and will power mastery...

    Literally kabam should be sued!!!
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    shchong2shchong2 Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    While I love the idea, but for a company relying on earning $$ from the in-game spending, I don't think they will let you HARVEST ISO and POTION free of charge! :)
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    Yeah because potions and Iso are so overpowered. And theres so much of it for how much time you spend getting it. ~sarcasm~
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    Elijah1929Elijah1929 Posts: 24
    Act 4 isn't going anywhere. Be patient and take your time. Units don't need to be spent on energy refills
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    I think they should add a challenge for infinity war and add a challenge for the deadpool 2 movie
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    They probably will
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