Your highest hit count to KO WS in ROL??

What was your highest hit count to KO Winner Soldier in RoL, and with what champ, rank, level?
Mine was 4* 4/40 X-23 (unduped).

Mine was 4* 4/40 X-23 (unduped).

380 yesterday with newly R5 Angela.
748 hits with R3 Ultron.
I was testing his attack, it sucks. But he have many other uses!
Lowest hit-combo is 150 hits with duped 4-star Star-Lord.
I don't have many masteries unlocked. Pretty much nothing more than dex and parry.
That seems super high for a R3 5*. I have a 4* 4/40 Ultron that I love to play with (before I got starky), I wonder how he'd fair...
That must have took an insane amount of patience... Lol
275 I believe with a max 3* mag sig SL
320something with max 4* sig lvl 60ish X23
I think I kept it under 150 with a max 4* AA too.
I know I've also beaten him with max 4* Drax and Voodoo but don't recall hit counts.