Thoughts on Sentinels replacing Symbioids In AQ

Looks like AQ is about to get harder. Man! Bleed and poison immune? that will suck. Also IDK abou u guys but I really HATE sentinel. I find him somewhat distracting when your fighting him. Im used to seeing my champs at regular size, but then u see you hulk become a size of a penny. Well what are you thought on this?
Thoughts on Sentinels replacing Symbioids In AQ 73 votes
Star lord
Scarlet witch
Ghost rider
Doc Ok
Hulk Ragnarok
Shall I go on? Or have you realised that the 5 champions you mentioned will not be ruined by the change.
My Medusa made fighting them cake tho, so I don't really see it getting harder.
Use them in Aw and quest. Kabam don’t owe you any tickets for changing the content that changes all the time. If I ranked up my drax when Kang was boss and then dormamu came along as boss I don’t cry and demand a rank down ticket I say, “well I can use my drax elsewhere and I’ll bring a new champion to fight dormamu”.
Yes they do its my opinion and its correct
What a ridiculous statement.
1. They all have the same special moves.
Once you've learned the dexterity timing for them then you should be good. No more fighting one mystic symbiod who pops off Dr. Strange and Scarlett which specials only to fight the next one and, WTF where did the Black bolt special 1 come from??? He's not even mystic and ugh holy **** cap. Marvels special 2? Are we sure this is a mystic symbiod?
2. Their abilities are always the same and never change.
You can figure out what each does and then fly right through them. Easy to look up online study and get used to.
3. They are huge.
Doesn't seem like a big deal but it is. Symbiods seem to move soo fast because when they dash forward they crouch low to the ground thereby decreasing their profile and causing the eye to loose track of them for a split second. However, sentinels when they dash forward raise their arms for a swing down attack which raises their profile and is easier for the eye to catch making it easier to intercept, part or block...
1. Poison and bleed immune.
No explanation needed there.
2. That skill is a ****.
The skill sentinels ability to shrug off debuffs almost instantaneously means you're basically fighting a debuff immune sentinel.
3. Time to adjust.
It's going to take time to get used to evading their specials which will be a must because after it gets 20 charges on their adaption mechanism their abilities activate through blocks which means incineration damage and when it hits 40 the specials are unblockable. Fun fun.