A 5* Deadpool OG is delivering to your inbox, pls claim it within the next 14 seconds before it expires
If you are fast enough to claim it, you get to keep the 5* Deadpool for the next 14 hours
You cannot use him in AW, AQ, Quest, Duel, or anything, if you use him for any of the above-mentioned events, you'll get a 140 years ban
After 14 hours, the 5* Deadpool will be taken away from you
Hope you enjoy this wonderful temporary surprise and a nice gesture from this wonderful company!
Happy April Fool
A 5* Deadpool OG is delivering to your inbox, pls claim it within the next 14 seconds before it expires
If you are fast enough to claim it, you get to keep the 5* Deadpool for the next 14 hours
You cannot use him in AW, AQ, Quest, Duel, or anything, if you use him for any of the above-mentioned events, you'll get a 140 years ban
After 14 hours, the 5* Deadpool will be taken away from you
Hope you enjoy this wonderful temporary surprise and a nice gesture from this wonderful company!
Happy April Fool