Willpower / Salve /Recovery
Recently I submitted a Bug Report Form into Kabam in reference to willpower giving less than it should be. I have WP maxed (+.7%/sec) and also run Liquid Courage maxed (-.6%/sec) I have 1 on Salve (+2/sec) and Recovery maxed (+15%). For some reason the game keeps giving me less health gained than its taking for LC. Although I was told they don't know whats wrong and not sure if it'll be fixed so they closed my ticket, I've figured out the issue, not in their programming but the mathematical aspect, which hopefully Kabam could fix this now knowing where it lies. Example attached my CW has 11553 Health so at .6% LC =69.318 so the -35 twice per second is correct for LC. .7% for WP =80.871 so already the +33 twice per second is incorrect. Salve Lvl 1 =+2/sec. So salve +WP = 82.871 + 15% for recovery=95.302. This is supposed to add 14.43xxx. Where it went wrong is instead of adding Salve and Recovery to WP, they subtracted it... turning the 80 into 66 which is why its only +33 instead of +48 like it should be after rounding up. Ive double checked this with other champs of mine and their numbers, same is true for each in each fight amd this is not limited to 1 aspect of game its in every aspect.
This IS very odd however, send them a ticket and ask them to hire you since you know how math works, so you can actually fix the game!
No it is not in description. But u can see everytime poison applied by anyway the heal reduce by 30%. It is how poison works.
5% - 1 pt
10% - 2 pts
15% - 3 pts
More debuff less healing, and yes poison reduces healing by 30% by itself as a default
And poison reduces healing abilities by 30%.
Is how poison works in this game. You can even see that in abomination sig ability
I wager in that fight salve would be active for a long time still unless he was evading and biding time for 60 seconds.