Update to the difficulty of Quest. Rudeness to street players.

Dear Kabam:
I find your motivations very interesting to redefine the deeds completely, and having started by displacing the adaptoids, it is undoubtedly a shrewd step, since they had a lot of time in the game, as well as establishing new deputy chiefs.
However, it seems to me that you are being very abusive with your users, when raising the level of difficulty of the deeds * and I will write you because:
1. Starting with the mini bosses they are making special characters required to pass the Gesta.
1.1 Night. This minijefe is broken, since many times the status is not changed to swordsman mode, adding that it is one of the natural defenders of the game, and that the nodes of flexibility make that after 2 minutes it is practically unattainable.
1.2 Green Goblin. Sometimes it's a pain for its healing factor, and he exaggerates it with a 100% node and 150% recovery will make it very difficult to cross it, the solution would be to carry a character that causes anticuración, or your character how much you want, the envelope esteemed Guillotine (The ideal characters would be Classic vision, Guillo, Venompool, Yondu, Punisher 2099, Archangel duplicated and Starlord with good luck in the super 2)
1.3 Morningstar. The most important detail of your repertoire, because you will have to wear a character that is immune to hemorrhage since with the node that you put on hemorrhage you increase its difficulty. And apart from not activating advantages (The ideal characters would be vision, GhostRider, Luke Cage and Iceman)
Although they are easy characters, you are diminishing the freedom of maneuver of the teams, having to carry specific characters to knock down the deputy chiefs, who are not as wide as you enlist them, and apart from having them in good rank.
That's not all, you avail yourself, to replace the symbioids, by your new sentinels, which is not bad. Only that their mere presence causes the game to be difficult because they are immune to bleeding (Goodbye x23, Wolverine) and Poison (Goodbye Dr. Voodo). When the simbioides were relatively easy characters because they had weaknesses.
The 5th day of gesta comes to give more than 80 hits to a symbiote to defeat him. I'm just waiting for the last day to know how long it will take me to take down one of your sentinels. And apart these causes:
1. The power of sentinels increases with time and ours decreases. Thing that is interrupted to take advantage of class (decreasing the field of characters that can be led to feat) but see the list of characters that will be suitable, that may cause a disadvantage as Broken armor ha ha ha (sarcastic laugh)
2. At analysis 40 your attacks become unblockable, or is it net? You dare to do us so much damage ... and part of the super 3 is activated. If that is not raising the difficulty, I do not know what it is.
4. The abilities of each sentinel are more difficult than those of the adaptoids.
Mutant Sentinel: Regenerates.
Skillful Sentinel. Purified 100%
Scientific sentry Increase attack.
Mystic sentinel Gain power when expiring advantages.
Cosmic sentry. Win power
Sentinel Techno. It burns power and blocks power.
Said Mike in the forum that from where it was taken that it was more difficult the feat. From a quick scan dear Mike. From a simple analysis.
It is appreciated that they want to give more dynamism to the game, but they do not make it difficult by having to carry specific characters and putting "wild cards" more ferocious than the previous ones. But the most brazen is the "Update" the difficulty of the feat, without giving an update to the rewards in the goals and in the final prizes to the players for the resource Spend that will undoubtedly be.
He concluded by saying that not doing the update of the deeds in a comprehensive manner is a total lack of respect for the players.
* I focus only on feat 5 for being the one I play in my alliance.
Sorry for the Google Traslate 😂
I find your motivations very interesting to redefine the deeds completely, and having started by displacing the adaptoids, it is undoubtedly a shrewd step, since they had a lot of time in the game, as well as establishing new deputy chiefs.
However, it seems to me that you are being very abusive with your users, when raising the level of difficulty of the deeds * and I will write you because:
1. Starting with the mini bosses they are making special characters required to pass the Gesta.
1.1 Night. This minijefe is broken, since many times the status is not changed to swordsman mode, adding that it is one of the natural defenders of the game, and that the nodes of flexibility make that after 2 minutes it is practically unattainable.
1.2 Green Goblin. Sometimes it's a pain for its healing factor, and he exaggerates it with a 100% node and 150% recovery will make it very difficult to cross it, the solution would be to carry a character that causes anticuración, or your character how much you want, the envelope esteemed Guillotine (The ideal characters would be Classic vision, Guillo, Venompool, Yondu, Punisher 2099, Archangel duplicated and Starlord with good luck in the super 2)
1.3 Morningstar. The most important detail of your repertoire, because you will have to wear a character that is immune to hemorrhage since with the node that you put on hemorrhage you increase its difficulty. And apart from not activating advantages (The ideal characters would be vision, GhostRider, Luke Cage and Iceman)
Although they are easy characters, you are diminishing the freedom of maneuver of the teams, having to carry specific characters to knock down the deputy chiefs, who are not as wide as you enlist them, and apart from having them in good rank.
That's not all, you avail yourself, to replace the symbioids, by your new sentinels, which is not bad. Only that their mere presence causes the game to be difficult because they are immune to bleeding (Goodbye x23, Wolverine) and Poison (Goodbye Dr. Voodo). When the simbioides were relatively easy characters because they had weaknesses.
The 5th day of gesta comes to give more than 80 hits to a symbiote to defeat him. I'm just waiting for the last day to know how long it will take me to take down one of your sentinels. And apart these causes:
1. The power of sentinels increases with time and ours decreases. Thing that is interrupted to take advantage of class (decreasing the field of characters that can be led to feat) but see the list of characters that will be suitable, that may cause a disadvantage as Broken armor ha ha ha (sarcastic laugh)
2. At analysis 40 your attacks become unblockable, or is it net? You dare to do us so much damage ... and part of the super 3 is activated. If that is not raising the difficulty, I do not know what it is.
4. The abilities of each sentinel are more difficult than those of the adaptoids.
Mutant Sentinel: Regenerates.
Skillful Sentinel. Purified 100%
Scientific sentry Increase attack.
Mystic sentinel Gain power when expiring advantages.
Cosmic sentry. Win power
Sentinel Techno. It burns power and blocks power.
Said Mike in the forum that from where it was taken that it was more difficult the feat. From a quick scan dear Mike. From a simple analysis.
It is appreciated that they want to give more dynamism to the game, but they do not make it difficult by having to carry specific characters and putting "wild cards" more ferocious than the previous ones. But the most brazen is the "Update" the difficulty of the feat, without giving an update to the rewards in the goals and in the final prizes to the players for the resource Spend that will undoubtedly be.
He concluded by saying that not doing the update of the deeds in a comprehensive manner is a total lack of respect for the players.
* I focus only on feat 5 for being the one I play in my alliance.
Sorry for the Google Traslate 😂
Take a minute to read this. What I posted here is in my opinion, fair. What you are doing is complaining about anything that isn't 100% easy in your eyes. This game isn't meant to be easy, it's meant to be challenging. If you can't handle it don't play it. Just don't complain about any little thing you can. There are so many things more difficult in this game than Sentinels. To be quite honest as soon as you get used to their animations you will be far better than okay. And with the mini bosses, man Kabam is not going to have a list of champions that are too hard to be mini bosses... Come on that's completely idiotic.
Read the post, he used Google Translate.... There will obviously be interesting wording.
You complained about the bosses, that irritated me. As I said before take a second to read this post. http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/60309/alliance-quest-refresh-impact-concerns#latest