Sick of the same tired ally?

Peaches brigade (_pb&j) is a newer alliance with a group of veteran champs that want to WIN everytime. Actually we plan on crushing people. If you want to crush people and take the game seriously but can take a little ribbing in the process come on down. We ain’t concerned about your prestige numbers as much as we are about your competitive fire and desire to grind. We use Line and we do communicate. But no authoritarian ego driven leaders giving “orders”.
If you’ve played you know communication and commraderie make you better and make it fun. Be a good opportunity to get in a squad early and help shape it into a long term winner.

A perfect squad member would have a sense of humor and enough experience to know what needs to be done for the TEAM. Please add robista 89 in game. Or robista 89 in LINE.


  • MadbeezMadbeez Member Posts: 87
    Also please contact rrick215 on LINE if interested!!!
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