Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Looking for Group of 10-15 to Merger with our Alliance, or we may 7 -10 willing to Join Yours!

[123EC] THESHADOWS - Active alliance has been going since 2015 but we need 10-15 to replace non-active players who were kicked or who need to be replaced to get our alliance back to being competitive. May consider at least 7-10 of us joining your Alliance if you are at least equal to ours (see following).

Currently 4m alliance rating, Finished Top of Bronze Level in AW Season but that was with only 20 players! Run AQ Map 4 currently with 2 BGs.

NO LINE - use in game chat and have optional use of WhatsApp group messaging.

Looking for a bunch of good, active summoners to join up! Prefer Summoners who are level 40-45+. Current average member rating is right at 200k.

If you have a group of ten that you want to keep together you can have your own battle group and we will make a couple officers to manage!

Our Alliance is a fun and diverse group who have been together for a long time. We have players from all over the US, North America, Europe and Asia.

Please feel free to ask any questions in forum or just "friend" me - in game is same....Spidey0486!


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    VeeTeeTeeVeeTeeTee Posts: 72
    hey Spidey,
    I think alliance I'm in may be a fit for you and your team.
    we finished in Silver 3 bracket running 2 BGs in AW.
    We run Maps 44433, but we aim at at least one map 5/week once we see ourselves ready. currently we have around 17 active players and 4-5 that should either improve or be replaced with new ones. we have around 6 boss killers being able to oneshot map 4 dormamu. What we need is active members who will clear maps and open the bosses but we support growth of our team members - there's no competition here - if you want to practice on AQ boss or need anyhting else - go ahead. we are ready to support with advice, and are always happy to help.
    the only difference here is we use Line app, but we could discuss this if you are interested in merging...
    please contact me in game or here on the forums.
    my nick is VeeTeeTee
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    Spidey0486Spidey0486 Posts: 81
    Okay, we are considering our options right now...have two or three good offers, but I can say that Line is a deal-breaker for quite a few in our group. If we could work through that though then I think we have 11 or 12 though who are made up of our officers and strongest players who would be interested. We are the ones in the group who are active and we have been together for a long time.
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    Parky28Parky28 Posts: 5
    Have you found your merger yet as ours could possibly be a good fit??
    We finished silver 1 with 2 bg’s in war and are currently in between tiers 11&12 for AW having won 5/6 at the end. We generally run map 55333 in aq but could increase this based on performance of the alliance as a whole.
    If line is an issue and you guys use WhatsApp and in-line game comms that should be fine as would probs place you all in the same bg for aw and aw so you can communicate amongst yourselves if you wished!
    Let me know if interested on here or in game Ap5501 👍🏻
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    VeeTeeTeeVeeTeeTee Posts: 72
    Spidey, our alliance is ok for you to join without line. You can have your own bg in which you can communicate whichever way you want.
    I'd only suggest at least one officer from your team to have line for easier communication between your team and the rest, but if this still is a problem we will work it out. I can communicate via whatsapp if need be.
    I'd also suggest to get in touch outside of forums to clarify all points before you join.
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    OmairOmair Posts: 19
    Hi there we wfinish in silver 2 with 2bgs
    No line required use game chat or whatsapp we can recruite 3 active players and we are above 5million rating as alliance
    We teach lower gamers to fight as well thats why we finish silver 2 but now we are planning to go for gold only and we will
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    Spidey0486Spidey0486 Posts: 81
    Thanks Parky and Omair but if we are going to leave our current alliance we would need a group that could take 10 to 12, so your Alliances just don't have enough space. We have a good core group that want to stick together.
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    Spidey0486Spidey0486 Posts: 81
    VeeTeeTee I appreciate the offer as well but I think you guys are a little too strong an Alliance for us... I think we couldn't add value the way we would want to. Really looking for a group that is similar to us - 4 mil alliance with about 17 or 18 players that needs to rebuild with a merger with our solid group.
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    Hiya Spidey, yeah we have about 13 in ours who definitely want to stay together. We have some weaker players who are keen and some who are quite inactive. I sent you a friend request so you can have a look at us
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    Aclark151Aclark151 Posts: 138
    Add me on Line aclark151 let’s chat.
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