My latest 5* pull

So, after 100%ing this months event quest and the heroic rift today, following a 100% of act 4 on thursday, I had just enough shards for my tenth attempt at pulling a good 5* champ.
I figured that by now I had to have some decent luck finally. In fact I was sure of it. I knew that it couldn't get any worse than when I pulled Jane Foster and as long as I didn't pull the one champ I already duped (OML) I'd be fine and that the odds of me pulling a **** champ were slim as I already had IP, HB and other memes. I was ok with duping any of the other **** champs I had, even Jane. So I spun the crystal and ended up with...................... Karnak!!! Such a **** champ, I forgot about his very existence when going over it in my head. I was totally pissed. I would have been fine with ANY other champ. Even an IP dupe would have been great!!
So now I want to make the best of this and welcome Karnak to my demented super-family. What is he good at? It there a way to ramp up his damage? I would appreciate any feedback. I will probably search youtube, but I like interacting with you guys!!!
Thanks much,
I figured that by now I had to have some decent luck finally. In fact I was sure of it. I knew that it couldn't get any worse than when I pulled Jane Foster and as long as I didn't pull the one champ I already duped (OML) I'd be fine and that the odds of me pulling a **** champ were slim as I already had IP, HB and other memes. I was ok with duping any of the other **** champs I had, even Jane. So I spun the crystal and ended up with...................... Karnak!!! Such a **** champ, I forgot about his very existence when going over it in my head. I was totally pissed. I would have been fine with ANY other champ. Even an IP dupe would have been great!!
So now I want to make the best of this and welcome Karnak to my demented super-family. What is he good at? It there a way to ramp up his damage? I would appreciate any feedback. I will probably search youtube, but I like interacting with you guys!!!
Thanks much,
Yeah, we all know Spider Gwen is the undisputed champ of that node lol!
Ok but Magik is still one of the best attackers in the game, doesn't need the dupe for that. And I rly want psylocke, if you know how to play her she can handle many difficult fights
I'd have been pretty darn happy with that Ronan.