Do You Want to Win a Lot of Wars? This 9.8 MIL Alliance Does!

Interested in a heavily war focused alliance? Look no further! TSP has 2 spots open for serious war heroes. We have a very strong core of 20 players that have been together for over a year. Over the last several weeks we have been working diligently on replacing the remaining 10 spots with strong war players, and it has resulted in great success. We've won 9 out of our last 10 wars, and the 1 war we lost, we literally lost by 1 unique defender (30 points). Ouch!
Like AQ? We run that too. We run a rotation every other week of 555xx / 55xxx, where x is always map 2 or 3, and easily 100% all 3 BGs. This bounces us between Expert and Advanced each week, which we're fine with because it keeps our focus on war. Map 2/3 is run on war attack days, map 5 on defender placement days. (There is 1 time every 2 weeks that map 5 is run with war attack, but it's always day 1 or 2 of AQ.)
No alliance event requirements, but everyone does their part. We always hit all milestones in every event except arenas. We probably hit all milestones in arena events 75% of the time.
What are we looking for? Strong war players, preferably rated 250k+. Must be able to clear your path with minimal deaths up to the mini-boss. You don't have to be a mini-boss/boss killer, we have plenty of those, but capable of clearing your path is critical.
Aiming for at Platinum 3 ranking for War Season 2. Come win war with us!
Line: jeff.ronald
IGN: StL Suits
Alliance: ShadowPower (TSP)
Like AQ? We run that too. We run a rotation every other week of 555xx / 55xxx, where x is always map 2 or 3, and easily 100% all 3 BGs. This bounces us between Expert and Advanced each week, which we're fine with because it keeps our focus on war. Map 2/3 is run on war attack days, map 5 on defender placement days. (There is 1 time every 2 weeks that map 5 is run with war attack, but it's always day 1 or 2 of AQ.)
No alliance event requirements, but everyone does their part. We always hit all milestones in every event except arenas. We probably hit all milestones in arena events 75% of the time.
What are we looking for? Strong war players, preferably rated 250k+. Must be able to clear your path with minimal deaths up to the mini-boss. You don't have to be a mini-boss/boss killer, we have plenty of those, but capable of clearing your path is critical.
Aiming for at Platinum 3 ranking for War Season 2. Come win war with us!
Line: jeff.ronald
IGN: StL Suits
Alliance: ShadowPower (TSP)
Can I join