Next 4* to 4/40?

Icecold2099Icecold2099 Member Posts: 577 ★★★
edited April 2018 in Strategy and Tips
Out of the below champs who should I rank up to 4/40 next?


Next 4* to 4/40? 20 votes

Corvus Glaive (unduped)
Crazyjack719 1 vote
Sabretooth (unduped)
Jacobmc006 1 vote
Ghost Rider (Duped)
MagrailothosAshburnGeneralDCSpiderCoolsrockykostonWabobaCats73Maldroit2NukeAccident 9 votes
Prixima Midnight (duped)
humzah217adqqedfyvrMolosilverseraphUltimatechampionmcoctopshadow_lurker22ExiNoob2435 9 votes


  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    Ghost Rider (Duped)
    If you're asking about ranking 4/40s, then I suspect your skill (like my own!) is probably not at a level you'll get access to Proxima's enormous damage potential. Ghost Riders versatility and bleed Immunity makes him far more desirable at a moderate skill level.

    Congrats on having those four in your roster though. Lots of crystals with lucky pulls?
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    Ghost Rider (Duped)
    Ghost Rider has so much utility, I still find new uses for him.

    Basically his SP3 can (when timed correctly) -
    1) Stop all regen - Arc Overload included
    2) Stop Mordo's power gain
    3) Stop Ice Armor
    permanently for the fight.
  • MoloMolo Member Posts: 22
    Prixima Midnight (duped)
    PM is elite. Easy choice.
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