Who are we?
Tiny TiM! Don't be fooled; we are the mightiest of the tiniest! The perfect combo of Cable's guns, Deadpool's humor, and Gwenpool's looks! Building our war strategy from historical documentaries such as: Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, Big Trouble in Little China, and Beverly Hills Ninja! We began as the little sister/brother alliance of This is Mutanty!, and we have built ourselves into a competitive little sibling.
-Alliance War-
⦁ Highly organized, attack leads, defense leads
⦁ Tier 6
⦁ Rated 1.59k and rising
⦁ Assigned paths
⦁ 2 wars per week starting new season (2 BG wars)
We ran 1 war between AQ Blocks last season to maintain a casual schedule, and we only lost 1 war. That left us hungry for more war moving into next season to increase everyone's rewards, so we will be increasing the frequency of wars per week.
-Alliance Quest-
⦁ Map schedule 3-3-5-4-4
⦁ Two battle groups on Map 4/5 days, three battle groups on Map 3 days
We have two strong progression groups and a casual battle group which runs AQ on free map days and is comprised of aspiring or back up AW players. There is flexibility in our alliance to meet your interest whether primarily war driven, AQ-focused, seeking no donations, etc. Create your position based on your availability and skill. We are an adult alliance comprised of players with full time career, families, maybe other hobbies (yet to confirm), so we are understanding of balancing alliance and individual needs.
⦁ Skilled players actively progressing with a team attitude
⦁ Community members
I have 1 position I can create for the right player based around your schedule and game interests; however, I will expect promise of skill and progression. Above all, I'm looking for a person to add to our community, so personality will sell. Also looking for an AQ and AW player comfortable with running lanes through Tier 6 AW.
Secondary accounts are perfect for our casual 3rd battle group if they are active to contribute toward Alliance Events and our AQ schedule - no war necessary, full SA rewards
Grow with us, or help us grow!
-Additional Information-
⦁ LINE required: 3-4 channels: training, battle group(s), main/general
⦁ Participate in Alliance Events as able
⦁ 8 million alliance and growing steadily
⦁ Weekly SA rewards - no lines, no holding.
Message Heddarta (Heddy) a sticker on LINE. Alliance Tag: tTiM! Choose your sticker wisely.
My line ID is mcoc_aedyn97_account
Summoner level is 46
Rating is 92,000
I want to join, because I resently was kicked out of a gold 2 alliance for inactivity, but it was because I was studying for my final and I forgot to place in war and we did two wars a week and three if possible. I’m finally done with school and free to play almost all the time!😁
I am very active and skilled player and not much to say u can see my profile and i also completed the chadwicks challenge chap 4 my line id is marksmanlobo contact me if interested
The other thing is that being a Gold ally doesn't say anything about how good an ally is at war or their skill level. My tTiM! is silver, because we do only 1 war per week, though we will soon be shifting to 2 wars per week in the new season. We do this to maintain life/balance and we are not rewards chasers, and never will be. However, our war rating is 1590, and we are crushing alliances higher than us because of our better defense placement, offensive strategy, and coordination. We are good at war. That matters more to us than the season ranking an ally is. Gold or higher just means they did a lot of war, not that they won a lot.
@Arnav1004_yadav and @Wordy12 - you both look like very strong players. Congrats Arnav on the Chadwick's challenge! I bet you both will go a long way in the game, but I do also think that we need higher ranked champs right now for AW defense for the upcoming season. Actually, the most important thing to me in new recruits is not the champs they have, but the skill level displayed...so if you both are as skilled as you say, then believe me, I'd rather have you. but right now, you'd be in our casual battle group that doesn't do war (BG3) until you have ranked up champs, and I'm not sure you'll be happy with that.
Don't underestimate me i have ton of rank 4 champs too and u told me that my defense was weak i use my crossbones 2 mephistos modok and Hyperion for defence
Sorry to say that I popped in here just to make that joke...Good luck on your recruitment!