What's the best way to fight Medusa's autoblock

What's the best way to fight her autoblock? With a pretty normal champ? Just hit once then run back? Then hit once again? repeat?
Seems like very second hit is an auto block.
Seems like very second hit is an auto block.
But my technique is to spend as much time hitting her block as possible, waiting out the fury. If you can’t hit her block then One hit, dash back and try to hit her block. A few good counters are most mystic champs, with buff removing/preventing abilities. Another is Yondu who can’t be stunned on his first light hit. So if you use medium, then light, she can’t stun you on autoblock with his projectile light.
I never thought of Yondu...
Interesting. Good thinking!
But if you are just looking for strategy, then any mystic champ who nullifies or steals buff is the best option as many suggested. If i remember right, Corvius Glave ignores auto-block, but again it doesnt help if you don't have him.