Thanos master level

Ah_boy8Ah_boy8 Member Posts: 70
Dear all, can advise how to clear the last Thanos when he left 30%, seem like he is unstoppable with just 1 hit, you are done


  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    As soon as he does his 3rd immediately start tapping or hitting him because you will be next to him then you can pull off some intercepts.
  • Ah_boy8Ah_boy8 Member Posts: 70
    I realised he doesn't need to reach sp3, he just 1 hit you ate done even with my champ full health
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    Let the timer run out and keep swiping back.
  • Ah_boy8Ah_boy8 Member Posts: 70
    OK thanks, I try again
  • Ah_boy8Ah_boy8 Member Posts: 70
    SpiritOfVengeance, thank you sir, I managed to clear him using your method, waiting for the timer to stop and hit, intercept after his sp3. Thank you again
  • Ah_boy8Ah_boy8 Member Posts: 70
    Let the timer run out and keep swiping back.
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    Awesome that is great to hear
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    edited May 2018
    You seem super skilled,lol.

    I haven't gotten past the first Thanos,The Unstoppable tricks me,And I find refuge only in avengers,Who can't beat him past 30%
  • Jh_DezJh_Dez Member Posts: 1,310 ★★★
    You seem super skilled,lol.

    I haven't gotten past the first Thanos,The Unstoppable tricks me,And I find refuge only in avengers,Who can't beat him past 30%

    You can use hulk to chain stun or Thor
    Use a chain stunner to get past Genesis phase
    On my end relying on parry is a no no
    For some reason I can't parry him in that phase not sure if its me tho
    Chaos mode is actually easy once you get the hang of it
  • ColbyX85ColbyX85 Member Posts: 24
    So this is a general question and it might sound somewhat kind of silly but I'm going to ask it anyways so here it is once you've already completed and beat Thanos in master mode is it best just to keep trying so you get better at it because it was really hard for me to do that it took a lot of units and used all my revives and all my health potions? That was about the hardest fight that I've ever had to deal with!
  • CanarioCanario Member Posts: 167
    Green goblin was amazing against thanos,when thanos hit me with specials it hardly done any damage,my green goblin is only R4
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,307 ★★★★★
    edited May 2018
    You seem super skilled,lol.

    I haven't gotten past the first Thanos,The Unstoppable tricks me,And I find refuge only in avengers,Who can't beat him past 30%

    Had a few goes this morning, bear in mind I have a killer hangover and I dont know what is acceptable as far as item use.

    Don't attack during unstoppable, dash back and go for the intercept to shut it down and activate safeguard.

    Thanos nails me during inverted controls with a SP. Still figuring timing.

    4 tries, got as close as 5k health left before running out of team with no item use. Bring heavy hitters and one avenger to eat the SP3.

    Block damage is harsh, I might try both caps next time. I'd like to kill first Thanos without items before using to clear number 2.

    disclaimer and 4hr since draft update: Using 4* so I have to do it the hard way and dog hairs are a perfectly cromulent cure for a headache, now I'm going to eat the whole dog.
  • Ah_boy8Ah_boy8 Member Posts: 70
    Using Avengers help, I used BW, Thor, Hulk, Vision AOU and SW. They can eat up his SP3 with only 10% damage
  • Wubbie075Wubbie075 Member Posts: 763 ★★★
    edited May 2018
    Would it be better to use 4* 4/40 avengers or 4* 5/50 non-avengers?

    I have Hulk & Vision AoU at 5/50 so they are obvious, though I know Visions power burn won't work.

    Other contenders are:
    5* 3/45 Hyperion
    4* 5/50 Crossbones (sig 46)
    4* 5/50 Archangel (sig 51)
    4* 5/50 Dormammu (sig 56)
    4* 4/40 Loki (sig 99)
    4* 4/40 Black Widow (sig 70)
    4* 4/40 Storm (sig 56)
    4* 4/40 Electro (sig 20)
    4* 4/40 Gamora (sig 48)
    4* 4/40 DR. Strange (sig 59)
    4* 4/40 Iron Man (sig 99)
    4* 4/40 Daredevil netflix (sig 15)
    4* 4/40 Yellowjacket
    4* 3/30 Stark Spidey (sig 20) - I could rank him to 4/40 if he'd be useful, but I don't have many T4B so I'm not super keen on that idea
    4* 4/40 Colossus
    5* 2/35 Nebula
    5* 2/35 Star Lord
    The above are all my 4* 4/40 & 5/50 plus my top 5*

    A couple of 3/30 dark horse candidates:
    Magik & Guillotine
    I could 4/40 one of them, but would rather not at this time.

    So who's my team?
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