The total mismatch of champions
Why is it that after about 5 or 6 series match in the 3 , 4 , 5 star Arenas. We are matched against opponents that have 500, 800, 1000, 1500 more health than my champions. Just to break my series wins and restart my multiplyer. I sent a email and your team mention an enjoyable experience for gamers, but when match against such an unequal opponent. How can that be enjoyable? My first response was to make me want to upgrade champions. Now that sounds just damn greedy. And they mentioned matching me against opponents just played for availability of players. Yet I know you use people’s champions and play without people. Just your servers. So why such the unequal match ups. And with each new Arenas it gets worse. All just to break our series wins so that we may not continue with multiplyer and finish the Arenas.
“Mcoc 3* infinite streak”
“Mcoc 4* infinite streak”
Follow the steps in those vids. That should help you out.
Well it is basically all all or nothing nodes in arena fights...
The problem with these infinite win streaks is that you need a large roster of upgraded champs. If you only have enough to fill 3-4 squads, you'd never do better than you already are since you'd be spending most of the arena time waiting on the stamina to refresh.