Bug - Death Squad in 5* Arena

Javed_AhmedJaved_Ahmed Member Posts: 15
Dear Kabam,

I'm using a 5* champ whose individual rating is around 2.8k and I'm facing a Death squad in 5* arena and these champs are rank 1/25. I'm playing 5* arena from day 1 but never faced such issues. :/ Please make the Correction ASAP because we already have tons of useless 5* and the only hope to use them was in arena n now these useless 5* are useless in arena also. I'm facing this problem from last one week only, previously I was using same team in same arena with zero issues. Already Arena Grinding is very painful and timing consuming and this is not acceptable as a player to restart the infinite streak. :'( I hope Kabam will solve this issue soon. I have Attached some screenshots as a proof. Even with team synergy, team rating is boosted 9.2k and still lands on Death squad. In short if any champ (4* or 5*) whose rating is below 2.8k (even though they are 4* R3 or 5* R1 maxed) we will land on Death squad, ignoring PI boost from synergies also.

Thanks ..


  • SuperellySuperelly Member Posts: 15
    edited May 2018
    I have the same problem! Same team gets me in hot soup every single time. If I removed the iron man, there’s no problem! It’s definitely a bug.

    And I get death team with my 4* rank 3/30 as well. It’s always a kamala Khan that gives me the team of death.

  • Javed_AhmedJaved_Ahmed Member Posts: 15
    Any champ whose rating is below 2.8K then they will throw a Death Squad to surprise you. This will hurt players below level 60 who does not have all mastery points unlocked. And most of the old undupped 4*/5* also falls under 2.8K rating which will make them useless in any part of the game. We were using these low PI champ in Arena and they are getting denied in Arena also which makes them complete GARBAGE 5*.

  • OllyoxenfreeOllyoxenfree Member Posts: 251
    This is something that’s really upsetting me. I get a good streak going then certain teams get like 40k Pi teams. Like I have a team that’s 10k and it’s fine then an 11k team gets a 40k team
  • OllyoxenfreeOllyoxenfree Member Posts: 251
    Ok it happened again and I’m noticing a pattern. It only happens when I use unstoppable colossus
  • Javed_AhmedJaved_Ahmed Member Posts: 15
    Still no reply from KABAM .. :'(:'(:'(
  • Javed_AhmedJaved_Ahmed Member Posts: 15
    I'm facing Death Squad when use a team of Drax + WS + SL and Ronin + Capt.Marvel + Ironman. These champs are at rank 1 max (5*) and I'm using same team from day 1 (last 2 months) but never got I a death squad, this looks like a definitely a BUG which needs to be fixed.
  • cx234333cx234333 Member Posts: 111
    only happens when you bring in trash
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    Death squads are a rite of passage. Everyone hit them at some point when they were pushing an arena farther than their roster allowed. Don't use low PI champs or you run the risk of getting one. It's not a "bug", just part of the arena match algorithm. Plenty of guides online that tell you what to bring to which arena.
  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 715 ★★★★
    JRock808 wrote: »
    Death squads are a rite of passage. Everyone hit them at some point when they were pushing an arena farther than their roster allowed. Don't use low PI champs or you run the risk of getting one. It's not a "bug", just part of the arena match algorithm. Plenty of guides online that tell you what to bring to which arena.

    Is ilogic, and more if you have a +300 streak, and you used these teams 10 times in a row, without any problems, the arenas bring you the same, and same rival over and over, the common condition is take part of 4* 3/30 and 5* 1/25 Characters, some teams can't take 10k with a sum of 3 characters with common masteries.
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  • txthreetxthree Member Posts: 32
    i also got a death match earlier but it's in 4* featured. i was using drax, punisher and abom, all of them are r3 4* 30/30. I ran suicides so their pi is around 3.5k, 3.2k for abom. i had no problems using them yesterday, but today i got a deathmatch and i lost my streak.
  • xananabananaxananabanana Member Posts: 495
    Happened to me a few times while using a team of 3/30s.
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