I've doing infinity dungeons for weeks to get to 27k dark artifacts and was hoping to get a Gwenpool or Ghost Rider, but instead duped Cap Marvel for the 3rd time SMH.
Lol I mean everyone’s hoping for those 2 god tier champs in each category... it’s not like you had to work super hard for it.. basically a free 5*. Not trying to be rude or anything but if you’re saving Infiniti dust anyways your just getting a couple 5* champs as a bonus... I wanted ghost rider also.. got yellow jacket and already have him as a 6*... it happens. Good luck if you get a second one! Everyone will get at least 2 if they played most days! Anyone who can say when the last “cycle” of dark artifacts crystals are? Like when we need to have claimed the crystals by before they dissapear?
Yup a voodoo!
And bought the 5* awakening gem and pulled a mystic! Yay me!