Parry/controls issue
Hey everyone,
Has anyone noticed a change in the parry mechanics and controls? Swiping back in block position isn't working as well and neither is parry. Not sure if intentional or I'm losing my grip (pun intended)
Has anyone noticed a change in the parry mechanics and controls? Swiping back in block position isn't working as well and neither is parry. Not sure if intentional or I'm losing my grip (pun intended)
my constructive criticism (since i always have to put this) is that i would rather have no new champs and content for the next month and just fix the game entirely.
if a revive "exploit" can be fixed in a WEEK then other issues like our recovery from blocking, evading, dexing, dropped blocks, evading and dexing specials should be fixed in the same time, GIVE OR TAKE.
I get coding and stuff is in play but if its taking MONTHS on end to fix one thing only to have another bug pop up SOMETHING needs to change in the game team!
CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM OF COURSE (you know who you are that need to see this)