Shocking Degenerate

Don't you think it's high time we get a champ that is degen immune? Or better yet shock immune? If there are champs that deal debuffs then i think it's fair to have playable characters that can naturally counter these debuffs. Case in point Both Mephisto and Sabertooth being cold snap immune or Rulk and iceman incinerate immune.
Passive degen or any DoT passive, you have Gladiator Hulk. Corvus is almost immune to shock as well
Dr. Zola
Search before creating another thread then. There are tons of threads out there already.
This doesn't need to make sense. Is fictional, the game works as the devs want it to work.
I just had to reply and say the search function on this forum works about as well as Google on a Happy Meal toy laptop.
Forum police back at it again!