Get choice over hero or villain

EthanbEthanb Member Posts: 27
The reason I'm posting this is I think when you get a crystal to unlock a champion I think you should get to pick which type of champion you want hero or villain


  • Reklaw5Reklaw5 Member Posts: 58
    What about anti-heroes? or quase villains? Venom and Deadpool and Wolverine can be either. Same with hulk. Guardians of the galaxy. Cap America.
  • RydertheblackRydertheblack Member Posts: 296
    My only request would be to have them labeled. Some quest have the villains to have better stats.
  • EthanbEthanb Member Posts: 27
    Good idea then I think those champions that are like both should be in hero and villain
  • EthanbEthanb Member Posts: 27
    Good idea it should also tell which they would recommend for different quests
  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    I personally like the idea of just limiting champs to certain crystals. Charge a little more for it if you want to. But if I want an X-man put them all in there based off of their champion tags.
  • EthanbEthanb Member Posts: 27
    Nice but what I meant is the same crystals but you can choose if you want just heros or just villains in that crystal plus usually it's more of the other and only a couple of the other
  • GunzoGunzo Member Posts: 719 ★★
    Anti heroes like Deadpool, Yondu
    Anti villains like Magneto
  • myPUNCAKEmyPUNCAKE Member Posts: 360
    It's an ok idea but if Kabam implemented this into the system than champs would loose their uniqueness value as people could just focus on a set crystal and keep opening them.

    This would also probably remove the purchases of premiums crystals and maybe even most of the featured ones as people are after certain champs and would pay for more a higher chance for say a voodoo or Hyperion.

    I say keep it as it is as the system isn't broken and you get that awesome feeling of joy from pulling that's champ that you were after for the longest time
  • EthanbEthanb Member Posts: 27
    Yeah but don’t you hate it when you get a doublcate
  • ShadPrinceShadPrince Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    ISO and shards
    Also dupe levels
    And are you saying that you have no villains or something, and that you keep duping heroes?
    Duping is annoying yes, but it's still part of the game
    It makes getting a champ actually enjoyable, instead of "yep got him, got him, got her"
    You make a game easy, you make it boring
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    edited June 2018
    Umm they are tagged in the quest fights.
    @myPUNCAKE agreed. It would probably cause a similar effect to them removing featured 5* crystals, only worse. A better overall pool, but not a reliable way to get new champs.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    it's not really too outside the box here, but you're getting pretty specific. not every champ is listed as a hero or villain. i think they need to continue giving us crystals with smaller pools, im not heartbroken either about getting Colossus, blackbolt, lady thor, two hulkbusters, and a carnage either. 5 of my 6 pulls were god tier awful and none will add to even my arena teams, but hey, it's all good because of those I got 3 new champs and a dupe. and if I had the choice i'd continue to open these guys over and over again
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