Predefined Arena Cutoff

Hey Kabam,

Why don't you declare cutoff for arena before it starts... Well that will inspire more player to play arena if they have a goal set.
Going for random cutoff is not good strategy. Like if its Hyperion you declare that those who score more then 6.5M+ will get him guaranteed or if its Venom tell that 2.4M will be cutoff to get him. It will attract more players to play arena as they know whats the target so they will go for it rather then going for a random cutoff.

Think about it. higher or lower that's in your hand but just declare cutoff when Arena starts.


  • Rednick69Rednick69 Member Posts: 325
    I agree, they should just set the cutoff on all basic arenas at 10mill.
    Cutoff should be decided as per the Champ.. not all champs will go higher like 6M or 7M. but declaring it prior will be a boost.
  • Reklaw5Reklaw5 Member Posts: 58
    Allowing it to be random set ups the best system. If the community really wants a champ, they will put forth the effort for the champ. If kabam set a mark for Spidergwen at 3 mil, do you think anyone would go for that? Its like biding on your favorite champs, the more you want them, the more you will play. Not every champ is going to be sought after by everyone. I am only going for WS this time cause I am bored and want a new 4* to rank up. Everyone is saying 2.1 mil, but I am at 2.7 mil just to be sure. There are also alliances that want the perfect arena rewards, so their members put more effort into the arenas. Its a matter of the individuals instead of Kabam forcing you to do something.
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