Who should I rank up? 5* Cap to R3 or 4* Sentry to R5

First time posting on here. I currently have 5 T4 Science Cats. I was avoiding taking my 5* Cap up because he is at 3560 at R2 vs Hulkbuster and Falcon who both come in over 300 higher than him. Sentry is currently at 3950. Alittle insight from yall would be appreciated. Thanks!
Who should I rank up? 5* Cap to R3 or 4* Sentry to R5 8 votes
If you are not in rush, maybe better wait for some other science champs
who else you have as your 5* science and 4* science? any Gulk, Hulk, Rulk, Void, LC, Quake?
Putting him aside, I personally prefer Cap WWII over Cap OG
However, at this stage of the game Cap OG will never be a game changer, he is still decent of course
Would suggest you to wait a little longer for Gulk, Hulk, Rulk, Void, LC, Quake
For AW Def, you may consider investing in MODOK
Okay to wait if none of your catalysts are expiring
neither. save for Void