Will someone explain Void in depth for me?

I know what Void does, and I think I have him figured out, but I wanted to make sure. I’m thinking for longer fights spam L1 to stack up FotV and IP debuffs. For shorter fights save for L2. I don’t have a sentry so I couldn’t do their synergy fyi. Is that correct in he slightest? Please not only tell me what he does but also how to use him in different situations. Like, is there any reasonable way to play him on a debuff immune node that I’ve missed? (I doubt it)
With that, the greatest damage will come from his degen from debuffs. You can have an absolute maximum of 7 debuffs, and those are: parry stun, agility, fatigue, petrify (previous three are intimidating presence [IP] debuffs, applied over time and with L1), dark sting, weakness, degeneration (L2, bit of luck needed to get them all on at once). These do a significant bit of damage, and for an easy way to get an extra debuff you can use the resonate mastery (defense section top right bit and the last one on the lower branch, so it'll take a few units to get to). It's important to note that multiple of the same debuff don't inflict extra damage, so having 2 petrify debuffs does the same degen damage as only 1.
I only have a 3*, so I can't say anything about his better synergies, but when facing champs with regen or power gain, sp1 spam is the way to go. Get Fear of the Void [FotV] up and hope for the petrify debuffs. The despair mastery (offense section bottom right, first one) will help reduce regen, with a max 15% reduction for each debuff, which can stack up to 105% extra reduction (which is a lot).
If not, then use the L1 until you have all 3 of the debuffs on him, and then move on to the sp2. I'd suggest waiting until the last moment to unleash the sp2 for the best chance to get a massive sp3 off. Keep pummeling the opponent and don't let them fire off a special until you have the sp3 (or you're close). This replaces the dark sting and allows for more time to get the next bit.
This part will take timing and might not work always, but basically you want them to have the 3 intimidating presences debuffs, and then they will have at least 4 debuffs at that time (if the dark sting has expired, hopefully a special has been thrown). If the dark sting only turns into 1 debuff, then parry stun the opponent to make it 5 debuffs in total, and throw the sp3 for that +250% passive fury. From then, you can continue the cycle.
If the dark sting expires, or the IP debuffs get converted to FotV, then try and throw your sp2 before you get to the sp3 and work your way back up, and try to continue the cycle.
Hope this helped, and if someone who has a higher tier void can add on how to use the synergies, that'd be super great!
That cleared up a good bit of my questions. I can only think of one more, How many sig levels is optimal for Void? (Like I know AA’s is when he gets 33.4% AAR) or is it just put as many as comfortable?
I'm sure someone who's bothered could calculate an optimal percentage time reduction for the IP debuff application, and I invite them to share
But yeah, as many as comfortable is fine
I don’t personally believe that for the main purpose of void he needs to be higher than sig 1. He is definitely better and you can increase your damage as he’s higher sig, but to me, the most important thing is for him to be awakened so that fear of the void will activate. The key is to continue spamming l1s to trigger the debuffs. His real damage comes against regen champs, like prince said. But in higher war tiers, he has a couple of specific uses. He’s the best champ to use on node 24, by far. Once you get fear of the void activated and one swirly debuff, the damage output is massive on any regens that trigger from buffet. But, awakened ability is essential here. Fear of the void doesn’t do any damage on the opponent like the other debuffs do, but it acts as if 2 of each of his intimidatin debuffs are applied. This is important bc of the swirly debuffsz those debuffs reduce all regen AND non-attack power gain, by 50% a piece. Meaning, with fear of the void, u effectively have heal blocked the opponent and you have stppped the power gain of champs like mordo, Hyperion, iwim, as well as mystic dispersion. It also stops the power gain from nodes (strike back specifically). Then, once u get a swirly debuff, it effectively reverses that healing and power gain (it reduces by 50% for each one plus the already reduction of effectively 2 from fear of the void). In addition to that, any other debuffs are also causing damage through the normal damage from those debuffs.
In short, void is an amazing champ for war attack. Rank him up as quick as u can
If this image works it will make it easier the agility debuff once applied twice almost nullifies evades not 100% but they become rare I’ve used this to solo both 4/55 and 5/65 OG Spidey Bosses in AW even high sig Spideys barely evade after this. The Fatigue Debuff once it is applied twice you’ll basically see you opponent won’t crit anymore at all. Petrify with two debuffs nullifies power gain completely if they have it great against Hyperion or MD champs also with the degenration of regeneration tied into this buff it’s the killer just destroys all regen champs.
Now once you have fear of the void up and start recycling through your debuffs everything starts working at a more magnified power as it treats it as if a third and forth debuff are being applied as these go on. If your lucky enough to get a petrify debuff early after fear of the void then any regen decreases faster and power gain actually has a negative effect.
Brian Grant once did a very good video on Void I would suggest watching it as well but he is an amazing champ and very versatile.
That is the link to Brian Grants video on Void