Looking for alliance for 3 140k and higher

Three players been in a gold 3 alliance that split up looking for an alliance for 3 of us 140k 180k and 220k players. All active and have line comment here or add me in game mcooley


  • BrimleyBrimley Member Posts: 37
    Sent you in game request.
  • BrimleyBrimley Member Posts: 37
    We have just enough spots to take on the remainder of your alliance if they want to move as well. Check out in game and/or hit me up on line: ID luker341
  • Gblake1965Gblake1965 Member Posts: 23
    Added you in Game, have you found a group yet?

  • LrrrrLrrrr Member Posts: 234 ★★
    Are u still looking?, ign seminaryman check us out. Sent ig friend request
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