Rank up advice

Nitro422Nitro422 Member Posts: 276
I have resources to R5 my 4* Se Spidey, but also have a 5* Doc Oc, neither awakened. What do you guys think? Im leaning towards Doc OC simply because I don't have any R3 5*s.
I also have a 4* awakened Ultron, 4* awakened Yondu. And I just opened a 4* medusa.


  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    5* Doc Oc is great. 5* are more valuable to rank up (provided they’re good) and Doc Oc is a really good choice.
  • Nitro422Nitro422 Member Posts: 276
    V1PER1987 wrote: »
    5* Doc Oc is great. 5* are more valuable to rank up (provided they’re good) and Doc Oc is a really good choice.
    That's what I thinking too, with the game geared more towards 5*...
  • Ingi_FreyrIngi_Freyr Member Posts: 11
    My 5* Doc Oct has been so useful for me. He's a rank4 now. He stops regen and he stops power gain. So good against e.g. Hyperion or regen beasts like Wolferine, X23 etc. He also hits quite hard and his sp2 is really strong. Great champion for sure.
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