Power shield node bugged ?

In the current war we’re having, I was assigned path 5 and path 6 needed a back up on node 35, I used my rank 5 Star Lord for Morningstar. First special 2 did around 14k damage after 25 hits. This node is supposed to increase special attacks damage by 400%, just felt like special attack would do more damage on any other node and instead of increasing the damage on specials it seems like it decreases. I’m aware it has a 66% armor node, that number is just not for a 5/65 Star lord as I used him on any other armor node on tier 2 map before
Last time I used him on that node the first special 2 did around 70k damage, how would you explain the difference between 14k & 70k on the same exact node ? Same amount of hits before special
Hope this helps!
Today I used him against GG and the first s2 did 89k damage after 24 hits