Pym Particle Disk

Dear Kabam, i’ve sent you 3 emails and i didn’t get an answer. After the update i’ve bought the Pym Tech Bundle 19.99$ for the 250.000 pym canyster. I’ve entered the event in master and then the game crashed for emergeny maintenance. When the game was back a message was shown “event expired”. So i would like to know how can i get back my 500.000 pym canysters so i can play(250.000 from the game and 250.000 that i bought)
I decided to NOT spending money in this game again (unless they significantly improved), and I'm glad I made such a decision, bcos otherwise I could have ended in the same situation like you, being left high and dry by them after taking my money.
I do hope that some mods will eventually see this, ask you to PM them your ticket number, help you to get the tech support to reimburse you the lost canyster. Good luck and all the best, and you know how customer-orientated they are, so you certainly need alot of luck.
And yet plenty of players continue to give their hard-earned money to them to "enjoy these treatments". Paying players "enabled" them to be this way. However, hope OP will receive better attention and resolution.