Working as Intended?
Member Posts: 103 ★
So I'm using hulk in the new challenge and his Sig ability reads "85% chance to stun for 2 seconds.... (here's the good part)..... stun duration increase by 1 second for every fury the champion has" but in the challenge I got about 8 fury stacks and landed an SP1 but the stunning didn't last 10 seconds but lasted barely about 3 seconds
I tried it again with 14 fury stacks only about 3 seconds of stun
Hey there, I'll run this by the rest of the team and let you know what I find out.
And as for fury mine never gets more than 1... pretty lame for a maxed out champ to only be a heavy hitter when he’s near death.
I need an answer the challenge said you gain fury effects Hulks Passive says increase stun duration by 1 second for every fury effect
Now Kabam CAN YOU PLEASE GIVE AN ANSWER it's been almost 2 weeks
(If it was an explot it would've been patched in 2 hours)
It didn’t happen. Limber or not, you just couldn’t get the lengthy stuns that should have come if you read his abilities plainly and ran the calculations. And that, I think, was the issue: his abilities weren’t written for a plain reading. It was Kabamese, which reads one way to most people and another to the game team. Ronan simply wasn’t meant to be able to get 6+ second stuns no matter how well you stacked masteries and synergies.
This isn’t meant to be a potshot at the game team. It is anecdotal, but illustrative in the sense that quite often we read abilities as they are written and quite often that reading doesn’t bear out in game. There are sometimes hidden caps (X-23 stacks) that are later written in; there are sometimes code interactions we aren’t able to see; or there are calculation methodologies (passive vs. active buffs, node buffs vs. organic buffs, flat % vs. % of a %) that don’t make sense or are just different from how we may have been taught in math class.
I hope you get a straight answer.
Dr. Zola
We still haven't gotten an answer on this
Over 2 months