Looking for a top100 Alliance. 5188 prestige

5188 prestige. Just beat LoL so a 3rd r4 should be coming in the next month. Bosskiller and handle map6 and AW with ease.
Looking for a top100 Ally, but might consider a top200 who has does well in Tier 1 war.
If you're needing a second person I have a friend I can bring along too. Similar prestige and skill.
Add me on line: BlimeyCThat
Or my IGN: Blimey
Looking for a top100 Ally, but might consider a top200 who has does well in Tier 1 war.
If you're needing a second person I have a friend I can bring along too. Similar prestige and skill.
Add me on line: BlimeyCThat
Or my IGN: Blimey