Gold 1 Rank 20, 277 in AQ Map 5x5, Need At Least Two Recruits

Please have a prestige of at least 6,600. I have room for 2 with potentially more spots available. Groups welcome. In game name and lane ID are sportsfan365. Void is my top champ in game and Gladiator Hulk is my line profile picture.

We do 3 wars a week. You don’t need to be a boss killer but we do request you be able to reliably clear your lane reliably without many deaths. We go between tier 4 and 3 but of course want to stay in tier 3.

Before the AQ mess up, we scored 127+ million points and ranked 277. Ranking and points go up every week. Donations are standard to cover map 5; 134G, 29 BC, 13L.

No alliances event minimums but that could change when they update the rewards and events, to early to tell.

We are all serious about this game want to be the best we can but also know this is a game so having fun is most important. All of us have full time jobs and most have families so real life first. You won't get chewed out after one bad AW fight. AW is stressful enough without having 29 other members get on your case about dying, we aren't that type of alliance. If you’re looking for a fun group of guys who want to do really well in the game then hit me up on line or in game


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