The repeated heros we all get

Mnv79Mnv79 Member Posts: 3
Listen i really love this game but i am constantly getting discouraged on how many times i get the same heros i have in my roster every single day whether i spend money for crystals or im getting hero's through daily crystals one would think you guys would ease up on that stuff so people could actually build up their rosters instead of getting the same heros day in and day out, it bothers me alot that i somtimes dont even care about daily crystals or putting money out to build my game roster. Who else is with me on this


  • StarDarts_89StarDarts_89 Member Posts: 419 ★★
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    edited July 2018
    I'm perfectly fine with getting duplicates, how else am I gonna get enough class ISO to level up my champs?
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    RNG pal, RNG.
  • DarkQuakeDarkQuake Member Posts: 79
    I seen someone say the champs that are not used much are more common to get then champs used more often
  • Mnv79Mnv79 Member Posts: 3
    I've gotten so many dups that i cant level up anymore ive already awakend my abilities with most of my hero's its time i start to get new heros but cant do that with dups hahah just sayin .
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    edited July 2018
    haha I'm pretty well convinced there's times where the pRNG isn't reset. I went through a period of about 2 months where all I got was WS in 3, 4, and 5* versions. I went from not having a 4* WS to having a max sig 4* WS and twice duped 5*. It became a running joke with my alliance at the time.
  • Mnv79Mnv79 Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2018
    Out of all the special crystal bundles i have purchased over the past month only about 4 actually had heros i didnt have the rest were all just dups and iso for my classes wit some gold hahah
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Well, if you’re not uncollected, then you’re probably duping two stars, that just happens, that’s how it goes, and the extra ISO from duping 4 stars is amazing for me and i would rather have a good duped character than a bad new character, that’s just me tho
  • andiorlandiorl Member Posts: 15
    I am extremely frustrated at getting repeated Awakened heroes. After spending hours grinding for 5* shards, only to spin and Getting the same Awakened hero, again and again. Somehow Kabam thinks a few hundred 6* shards are worth hours of grinding, it is NOT. I have a suggestion that would at least give some hope to all of us. Why not offer a choice? If a spin results in an awakened hero, how about a choice given within 3 heroes? ( one hero on each side of the spun hero) this would help, and at least let us feel we have a chance.
    Trading heroes would also work. You spin a recognized awakened hero, you are given a choice to keep, or trade for 1 of 3 other heroes. This is a deal maker for me. I will not spin for any more 5*s, until this is fixed. Come on Kabam. You have seen that other things that are given a choice to us in the game, have been very successful. Make this happen , and it will inspire more game play, less frustration, and a better game.
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,003 ★★★★★
    andiorl said:

    I am extremely frustrated at getting repeated Awakened heroes. After spending hours grinding for 5* shards, only to spin and Getting the same Awakened hero, again and again. Somehow Kabam thinks a few hundred 6* shards are worth hours of grinding, it is NOT. I have a suggestion that would at least give some hope to all of us. Why not offer a choice? If a spin results in an awakened hero, how about a choice given within 3 heroes? ( one hero on each side of the spun hero) this would help, and at least let us feel we have a chance.
    Trading heroes would also work. You spin a recognized awakened hero, you are given a choice to keep, or trade for 1 of 3 other heroes. This is a deal maker for me. I will not spin for any more 5*s, until this is fixed. Come on Kabam. You have seen that other things that are given a choice to us in the game, have been very successful. Make this happen , and it will inspire more game play, less frustration, and a better game.

    Then don’t grind, and don’t play. Don’t complain about random drops
  • andiorlandiorl Member Posts: 15
    What a helpful and insightful suggestion! Oh and just in case you didn’t understand that either, THAT was sarcasm.
  • RoKoPlayzzzRoKoPlayzzz Member Posts: 242
    andiorl said:

    I am extremely frustrated at getting repeated Awakened heroes. After spending hours grinding for 5* shards, only to spin and Getting the same Awakened hero, again and again. Somehow Kabam thinks a few hundred 6* shards are worth hours of grinding, it is NOT. I have a suggestion that would at least give some hope to all of us. Why not offer a choice? If a spin results in an awakened hero, how about a choice given within 3 heroes? ( one hero on each side of the spun hero) this would help, and at least let us feel we have a chance.
    Trading heroes would also work. You spin a recognized awakened hero, you are given a choice to keep, or trade for 1 of 3 other heroes. This is a deal maker for me. I will not spin for any more 5*s, until this is fixed. Come on Kabam. You have seen that other things that are given a choice to us in the game, have been very successful. Make this happen , and it will inspire more game play, less frustration, and a better game.

    Are you talking bout nexus crystals?
  • andiorlandiorl Member Posts: 15
    Yes, by other things that give a choice, nexus is one of them.
  • KaiWin13KaiWin13 Member Posts: 3
    I'm also getting very tired of duplicates that I don't need. I played this game some time ago and had to stop because it was getting too expensive. I just want to be able to choose the heroes I definitely want. Like a 4 or 5 star Venom. But it never drops in any random spin. I can't afford to spend real life money just to get a Venom avatar. I like the game but I hate the damn randomness of getting a hero.
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 644 ★★★
    edited May 2021
    KaiWin13 said:

    I'm also getting very tired of duplicates that I don't need. I played this game some time ago and had to stop because it was getting too expensive. I just want to be able to choose the heroes I definitely want. Like a 4 or 5 star Venom. But it never drops in any random spin. I can't afford to spend real life money just to get a Venom avatar. I like the game but I hate the damn randomness of getting a hero.

    @KaiWin13 dont necro threads
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