Blade danger sense not working oh my god (I predict a riot lol )

Done 6 villain fights in a row with blade and ghost rider not once did danger sense trigger worked fine earlier on. Me and other team members also have random
Champs appearing in the champ
Selection screen of a fight in the middle of your champ and opponents. Contest bugs are rife I could rant for days about them. Please help a fellow marvel brother out. IPhone X latest iOS latest mcoc both WiFi and cellular latest carrier setting 02 Is service provider. iOS 11.4.1 I think it is. Phone has 9 month warranty still so I doubt it’s my new iPhone X very much indeed. I have a video of the failed danger sense triggers on blade.
Champs appearing in the champ
Selection screen of a fight in the middle of your champ and opponents. Contest bugs are rife I could rant for days about them. Please help a fellow marvel brother out. IPhone X latest iOS latest mcoc both WiFi and cellular latest carrier setting 02 Is service provider. iOS 11.4.1 I think it is. Phone has 9 month warranty still so I doubt it’s my new iPhone X very much indeed. I have a video of the failed danger sense triggers on blade.
Sentry isnt a villain.
Killmonger is a villain.
Hes confused with this entire post.
They were fighting Sentry with blade and couldn't figure out why, they seem very confused so your "fix" won't help
Typical day in the forums....