War Rating Adjustment

BravoBrunoBravoBruno Member Posts: 24
We all know the story, get notification, Kabam can't tell you who it is, yada yada yada got to protect users. However if I or my alliance members were to individually contact Kabam Support and pose the question, was I the person responsible for breaking the TOS that led to my alliance being punished, they would have to answer truthfully correct? As I am asking on behalf of myself and they can't protect me from myself as I have a right to know?

I'm just thinking outside the box here and I don't want my alliance to be punished, but if everyone that was being honest and truthful in the alliance could prove it wasn't them, it would make life easier for myself and hopefully ween out the bad weeds.

Thoughts if that would work?


  • BapoiBapoi Member Posts: 995 ★★★
    depends what they state in ther ToS.
    If in there something along the lines of ‘our decision is final and won’t be communicated upon’ they might not have to.

    As well... if all alliance members of affected alliances start sending in tickets... What do you think the overall effect on customer service will be?
  • BapoiBapoi Member Posts: 995 ★★★
    That I agree with.
    Ban the person causing it or remove them from alliance.

    Nothing to be said, just simply removed.
  • Ggeorg10Ggeorg10 Member Posts: 46

    Our alliance War Rating reduced by 300 and Season points by 1.000.000!!!

    We send a ticket about this and told us about account sharing!!!

    Then we asked you to tell us which account they are involved in sharing, but you sent us a standard message but no real information!

    How can we protect our alliance from further penalties if we can not know who created the issue?

    If you can not give this information do not punish alliances! What should an alliance do if sharing is not made known to the leadership? Dissolve completely?
  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    edited August 2018
    The question can be asked in the most general way, but they always shut this question down with a form letter response that they can’t comment on specific actions taken. They have to realize what an unworkable situation this is for affected alliances but they don’t seem to care.

    I think the only way to change their stance on this would be to see a majority of the player base move to solo play, which is highly unprofitable. (People feel less compelled to use expensive items)

    Unfortunately that probably won’t happen and you’ll continue to be left in the dark.

    As to the idea of having each member ask individually “was it me?”, I suspect their answer will be that it’s the same as identifying the person by process of elimination.

    If it’s infraction enough for a war adjustment, it’s infraction enough for a temporary ban. Serving the adjustment without an accompanying ban is placing the rights of cheaters above the rights of clean players. This must change.
  • BravoBrunoBravoBruno Member Posts: 24
    It’s just a terrible situation to be in. Having to deal with other members threatening to leave and figuring out what went wrong. We had like 5 people on holidays the past week so their activity would have been staggered all over the place, I just don’t get their stance on this. You can’t just take points and ratings from people that have spent money to get where they are without any logical evidence. It’s like throwing all the kids in a classroom in detention because one kid did something wrong. Just makes the rest of the kids resent the teacher and solves nothing.
  • Ggeorg10Ggeorg10 Member Posts: 46
    How do we tag some moderator for giving us a response?
  • Ggeorg10Ggeorg10 Member Posts: 46
  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    Initiating auto shutdown sequence in 3,2,1....
  • BravoBrunoBravoBruno Member Posts: 24
    Yeah they will shut down this thread instead of giving us options or advice on how to best solve the problem. If 30 people don’t own up to it, what are you meant to do. If they can’t say who it is they should at least give you more information to go off. Now at any point I can expect a war adjustment because I have no idea where the problem is. How is that even remotely fair?
  • GoDlyZorGoDlyZor Member Posts: 150
    Indrick781 wrote: »
    If it was you, you'd know. They'd have put at minimum short term ban on your account. If you didn't share accounts or use a bot, it wasn't you. They won't tell you who it is to prevent that person from doing it again.

    If they dished out temp bans it wouldn't be a problem or atleast not as big of a problem. The real problem is alliances getting their war rating and season points reduced often times by significant amounts and no member temporarily banned. Alliance leaders can only ask who it was but if no one comes forward and everyone keeps logging into the game there's no way to tell.
  • Zero0978Zero0978 Member Posts: 21
    Honestly, why do people really care that much about piloting accounts? I mean we have people on vacations, working real jobs that take precedent to A GAME, we have members on other sides of the world. This problem will continually persist as long as the timers are set at an hour or limited to 5 at a time, or until people quite because it isn't feasible to play by "Kabam's rules" and live a normal life.

    If you really want piloting to go away reduce the timers on war energy, or decrease the amount of paths to travel to 5 so that every line can be doubled up on. Other than that, it will always be a necessity to help each other out from time to time.
  • NinjaWarrior99NinjaWarrior99 Member Posts: 340
    edited August 2018
    i like the idea of autokicking the person from the alliance if they won't tell who it is or ban them
  • Enge1derNachtEnge1derNacht Member Posts: 14
    We got hit as well, and we are trying to figure out who the hell is doing what. Why can't we be told who the guilty party is so we can fix things. It sucks being punished without even knowing why.
  • Ggeorg10Ggeorg10 Member Posts: 46
    Totally unacceptable situation.

    We spoil money to achieve goals and disappointment is huge when you can not do anything to protect yourself...
  • BravoBrunoBravoBruno Member Posts: 24
    Like usual no help. Support doesn’t help. Forum moderators can’t offer advice. So what exactly is one to do?
  • Ggeorg10Ggeorg10 Member Posts: 46
    We are still waiting.
    No moderator is interested !!!
  • RogueKing13RogueKing13 Member Posts: 188
    Moderators will not respond to this as this question has been posed ad nauseum on the forums and has been answered. They will not offer any information on who was it was due to "privacy rules". I do not agree with Kabam on that but that is the company answer.
  • GrimmbananaGrimmbanana Member Posts: 711 ★★
    oh look another copied post ...still discussing old topics...
  • BravoBrunoBravoBruno Member Posts: 24
    Sent 4 emails to support and even asked if I was the reason the TOS was violated and got 4 auto responded same messages. Pretty crappy response.

    If they can't answer the question, they could at least offer insight and suggestions as to what we are meant to do besides kick 29 other members out of the alliance.

    What they are doing is actually worse, because you have people pointing fingers and accusing each other and fighting over it all..
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